General package structure and contents


Phys DaVinci 

Main application

Determines list of used packages and contains main jobOptions

DaVinciUser Sample code for user in a component library
PhysSelections Collection of selection routines  
DaVinciTools Contains basic tools and algorithms
DaVinciMCTools Tools for analysis of MC data. Pure MC tools/algorithms should eventually go into a separate common LHCb package 
DaVinciAssociators Contains associators related code for physics studies
FlavourTagging Algorithm and tools for Flavour tagging
DaVinciEff  Contains algorithms to evaluate efficiencies for high level tools

Tests of basic components

Rec GlobalReco Contains Final reconstruction code (makes ProtoParticles and Primary Vertices)
KsReco Contains long lived Kshort reconstruction code
Calo CaloReco Tools and algorithms for particleIDs using calorimeter information
CaloUtils Tools and algorithms for particleIDs using calorimeter information
CaloInterfaces Tools and algorithms for particleIDs using calorimeter information
Tr TrExtrapolator Tools that can be used by code in DaVinciTools
L0 L0DU Code to be able to reprocess L0 decision
L0Calo Code to be able to reprocess L0 and L1 decision
L0Muon Code to be able to reprocess L1 decision
L1 L1VeloTrack Code to be able to reprocess L1 decision
L1Decision Code to be able to reprocess L1 decision
LHCb KernelSys

LHCb specific kernel


All LHCb event model. In particular:

PhysEvent containing the physics event model

Event containing the MC event model


All LHCb detector description. For transport and reprocessing.


All LHCb detector/reconstruction associators.