Software Architecture Study Group


Alberto Aimar, John Apostolakis, Rene Brun, Dirk Duellmann, John Harvey, Vincenzo Innocente, Pere Mato, RD Schaffer, David Stickland, Lassi Tuura, Christian Arnault


For what concerns Software Architecture, look at the following:

Presentations in Marseilles

Programme of Meetings

June 24  2/1-034 Introduction - John (ppt, pdf), Control Framework for Atlas based on Object Networks - Lassi (html, ppt),    Minutes
July 8 40/2-A01 CARF - CMS framework - Vincenzo (ppt, ps), Minutes
July 15 1/1-025 ROOT framework and example of use in ALICE - Rene Brun (html)
July 22 40/4-C01 LHCb framework (GAUDI) - Pere (ppt, ps)
July 28th 58/S-006 GEANT4 - John (ppt ,ps),  HEPODBMS - Dirk (ppt, ps)
Sept 2nd 2/1-034 ALICE DAQ - Pierre (ppt, ps),  ALICE Software architecture - Federico (ppt, ps)
Sept 28th Marseilles Rapporteur's talk by RD (ppt), Goals (ppt), Discussion (ppt), Rapporteur's talk by Vincenzo (ppt)

Material Derived by Study Group

Useful websites
