Boole v5r2 - released 11th February 2004

The table below lists change introduced in Boole version v5r2, relative to version v5r1

Subsystem Item Responsible Remarks
Framework Use LHCB version v15r2 M.Cattaneo  
  Dropped support for pre-2004 geometries M.Cattaneo Removed v200311.opts, RiSicbGeom
Event Model Added depositedCharge() to ITCluster M.Needham ITEvent v13r1, ITAlgorithms v14r0. Backwards incompatible for POOL
  Added one significant bit to time field of MuonDigit A.Satta MuonEvent v3r1, MuonAlgs v5r1
Output content Replace old style Relations/L0CaloCandidates and Relations/L0CaloFullCandidates with new style Link/Trig/L0/Calo, Link/Trig/L0/FullCalo O.Callot L0Calo v7r3
  Remove all old L1 objects. To be replaced by new Trg objects (not yet done) M.Cattaneo  
  Remove MuonDigits (can be rebuilt from RawBuffer) M.Cattaneo  
L1 Removed old L1 code.    
  Added vertexing and use of L0Muon to Trg O.Callot PhysEvent v8r1, TrgEvent v2r1, TrgTools v2r1, L1Reco v2r1
ST Support for new TT layouts: 4-3-3-4 everywhere (default) and 4-2-1-1-2-4 in centre (option).  See details here. M.Needham Requires XmlDDDB v21r0 (backwards incompatible) STDet v1r0, ITAlgorithms v14r0, ITCheckers v2r0, TrgVeloTT v2r0, L1Reco v2r1
  Fix bug in IT beam pipe clearance, modify Silicon thickness M.Needham XmlDDDB v21r0 - details here.
OT New algorithm to fill RawBuffer J.Nardulli OTDAQ v1r0
Rich Possibility to add LHC background C.Jones RichReadout v1r5. Requires background events produced by Gauss
Muon New algorithm to fill RawBuffer A.Satta MuonDAQ v1r0, MuonDet v4r5. Requires XmlDDDB v21r0
  Fix physical pad size in M1R1 A.Satta XmlDDDB v21r0