LHCb Web Guidelines
Follow the CERN Guidelines for
publishing on the web
Design of the BaBar web :
P.Palazzi (talk to LHCb June 1996)
Goals of a good web design (source PC magazine)
- achieve consistency - develop a common look and feel
- develop a simple navigation scheme
- keep to 1 or 2 fonts
- reuse images
- keep pages to 2 or 3 screens each (in general fewer longer pages is better)
- make sure content is no more than 3 clicks away
Things to avoid at all costs :
- Don't use frames
- Don't use customised colours to distinguish visited (use red) and unvisited (use blue)
- Don't use light text on a dark background
- Don't use background pictures
- Don't use animation - users hate it, interferes with information retrieval
Features of a good web page:
- 'readability hurts' - avoid wordy text, focus on content - readers are looking for
- 'whitespace hurts' - the more whitespace the more complicated, overdetailed, visually
- link brackets are good : [Vertex], [Trackers], [RICH],
[MUON] ....
- link bullets are good as is being used in this list.
- image links have problems : dont change to show you've been there, border not clear, not
- text links should be just long enough to be descriptive
For tips on writing good HTML see Jakob Nielsen's Top Ten Mistakes of Web Design and Tim
Berners-Lee's Style Guide for online hypertext.
This page last edited by JH
on December 20, 2000.