Beat presented some issues concerning the organisation of the meeting. It was decided to hold the meeting every 2 weeks. This solution was preferred over scheduling it weekly and cancelling it when there is nothing to be discussed. It was felt that the start should be 14:00 instead of 15:00 due to possible clahes with other meetings starting at 16:00.
The invitation should go through the lhcb.computing distribution list rather then through private mailing lists. The minutes of the meeting will be taken in a round-robin fashion and are to be published on the Web.
Frank and Jean-Pierre presented the cost staging document handed to Hans-Juergen Hilke some time ago. The essence is that under the new assumptions of 20 kHz Level-1 and 2.5 kHz Level-2 rate the cost can be reduced by ~30% by just reducing the bandwidth through the readout network and the size of the L2/3 CPU farm. There would still be the full number of Readout Units produced because it was felt that it could be a problem to re-start the production of more modules after a few years.
Frank (as the editor of the answers) gave a short introduction to the three questions concerning the DAQ. There was some discussion on the questions related to the TTC and o dead-time. Beat has changed the draft answers to reflect the outcome of the discussion.
Beat presented the basic assumptions and a list of activities that will take place between now and the startup of LHC.
The assumptions are:
This leaves us between now and the end of 2002 for fixing the architecture and prototype and design the hardware. Beat also mentioned that he would think that the final technology choices have to be fixed around the end of 2001, in order to allow the designers of the components enough time to incorporate it into the designs.
DAQ software will be a more or less continous activity testing ideas until ~2000 when the real development will start in order to be ready for 2004.
A continous activity will also be the support for the test-beam where a problem might come up because of the possible discontinuation of the support of CASCADE.
Clearly this planning framework will have to be filled with flesh in the comming weeks/month in order to identify sub-projects with the DAQ project.
There was a short discussion on the agenda for the next meeting. (D)CS will definitely be discussed as well as probably a short presentation of Hans about his ideas on the readout unit.
There was no other business.
Minutes by Beat Jost