T.Nakada(TN), B.Jost(BJ), P.Mato(PM), J.Harvey(JH), F.Harris(FH), J.P.Dufey(JPD), H.Muller(HM), M.Frank(MF)
Minutes of previous meeting were agreed.
JPD outlined the structure of the proposed project, broken down into 4 sub-projects
It was agreed that a),b) and c) would be the main thrust of the project with d) being a matter of liaison with those responsible for level-1 event building. Studies will involve use of simulation as well as practical prototype measurements.
As discussed in previous meetings it was emphasised that we propose to evaluate Myrinet since it looks very attractive from the point of view of price/performance, though it has the disadvantage of coming from a single vendor. CMS are also evaluating it, and we hope to have some level of cooperation between LHCb and CMS. It was pointed out that we already know much about ATM and SCI from the RD31 and RD24 efforts.
It was proposed to have rough prices available for the proposed prototype work by Monday for the DAQ meeting. This would be for a configuration involving 4-8 sources and destinations (PCs). JH pointed out that at the DAQ meeting on Jun 15 we should try to get institutes interested in involvement in both the Readout Unit and the Event Building projects.
It was agreed that we must ensure that the DAQ projects are complementary, with regular dialogue via the DAQ meetings. There will be practical constraints of resources (people and money).
TN reminded DAQ that they should prepare their R/D plan, together with milestones, leading up to the TDR. This is necessary for the LHCC meeting in July. It should be presented on June 18 in LHCb week.
Minutes Prepared by Frank Harris