Beat gave an overview of the DAQ hardware components based on the architecture of the Technical Proposal. An extension to the DAQ responsibilities so far could be the Froont-end Multiplexer which up to now was a sub-detector responsibility. It could be that there is no sub-detector specific functionality in the FEM, however there might be a lot of common functionality of the FEM components with the Readout Unit. Hence it might be reasonable to incorporate the FEM in the DAQ.
Readout Unit (Hans Müller) (slides)
Hans presented the activities in the project to design a first version of a Readout Unit (RU). It's forseen to have a first prototype beginning of 2000. The project has already been presented in previous online meetings.
Event Building (Jean-Pierre Dufey) (slides)
Jean-Pierre outlined the scope of the event building project which has already been presented in online meetings. In a first phase there will be some activity around Myrinet.
Pere described the activities concerning the controls system around the Joint Controls Project (JCOP). See his slides for details.
Beat presented the general architecture of the Timing and Fast Control (also known as TTC) system. A note should be ready for the July meeting with the referees, since they asked for more information on the LHCb requirements after the TP.
Beat gave a rough overview of the planning. The major milestone is in 2001 when a string-test, ie. a small scale prototype running at full speed should eb available. This prototype should contain as many components as possible, perhaps even some fron-end electronics. It will also act as a test bed for technology evaluations and ideas, mainly for event building.
There was no other busines.
Minutes by Beat Jost