CLHEP is a C++ class library for High Energy Physics supported by the Application Software group in IT division. A Reference Guide and a User Guide exist as documentation.

Using CLHEP in NT

Library location

The CLHEP library is installed by default in the NICE server. It is  located in Z:\P32\LHCXX\specific\Windows_NT\CLHEP\pro

Setting include and library path

The user of CLHEP under Visual C++ only needs to setup the INCLUDE and LIB path to the correct place. Using the Tools->Options command  and under the tab Directories add the directory for the Include files  to Z:\P32\lhcxx\specific\windows_NT\clhep\pro\include, and for the Library files  add the directory Z:\P32\lhcxx\specific\windows_NT\clhep\pro\lib

Project settings

Make sure that the settings for the project (Project->Settings..) are similar to the follwing figures.

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