Minutes of the Offline Meeting
June 23rd, 1998
Present: M.Cattaneo, F.Ranjard,
F.Harris, E. van Herwijnen, I.Last, G. Gracia, A.Cass, N.Smirnov, F.Filthaut, R. van
der Eijk , P.Binko, A.Tsaregorodtsev, J.Harvey
1. Event Structure
2. Local Pattern Recognition in Tracking Detector
R van der Eijk
2. Delphi LEP data archive
N. Smirnov
1. Event Structure
Iain described the work he has done to transpose LHCb data generated by SICB into C++
classes. At the highest level an event is broken down into its constituent parts i.e.
simiulation, reconstruction, trigger etc. and each part is mapped to the corresponding
banks e.g. ATMC, ADTK etc. Each existing DDF file corresponds to a C++ class. A
script exists (AWK) to produce html documenatation from DDF file.
The software is still in Iain's private area. Pavel has tried to run it but got errors (no write access). We need to copy it to a public area and test it can be used. It should be put into a CVS tree and run from a typical user account. ACTION : Pavel will follow this up
ACTION : Iain to document what he has done.
2. Local Pattern Recognition in Tracking Detector
Steps are : Find, follow and fit. Procedure has two parts : Local PR - find track segments
in a station, Global PR - link segments to make a whole track. Rutger's work concentrates
on the LPR. This is an OO package written in C++ and is steered by the SICB tracking
package. Steps are :
Other details :
In the FORTRAN/C++ interface, data are passed by reference in arguements of
The SICB makefile was adapted to compile C++ code and link C++ libraries (I/O,
math, STL, CLHEP)
The C++ FORTRAN interface is platform and compiler dependent.
Currently works on HP-UX10 (g++ f77), AIX (g++ xlf), HPPLUS (under investigation).
Outlook : algorithm has to be further developed and tuned and has to be fully
integrated into SICB
(which compilers?, all LHCb platforms?). It is needed for detector optimisation
Gonzalo is taking over responsibility for this package.
Discussion :
Need a C++ main routine to be able to call C++ (compiler requirement) NB this is
platform dependent.
This package uses data from FORTRAN COMMON and internals of SICB. Not easy to
using Iain's package.
Information on tracking geometry can be extracted from Cell object.
3. Delphi Lep data archive
See Nikolai's slides.