Minutes of the Offline Meeting
July 21st, 1998
Present: P.Bartalini, P.Binko, M.Cattaneo, P.Colrain, M.Frank, G.Gracia, J.Harvey, J.Saborido, N.Smirnov, D.Steele, A.Tsaregorodtsev
Minutes: M.Cattaneo
Status of event model interface to SICB C++ classes (P.Binko)
How to get started with SICB C++ classes (M.Cattaneo)
Marco announced that, as from the next meeting, he will look for "volunteers" to write the minutes.
John proposed that once a month the agenda should be constructed in such a way as to make it attractive for collaborators not based at CERN to participate. One could imagine setting up a video conference for this monthly meeting - Marco proposed that the possibility of setting up a video-conferencing room for LHCb should be discussed at a future infrastructure meeting.
Pavel described the current status of the software to access the SICB banks from C++ (see slides .ppt, .ps ). The following points were raised in the discussion that followed:
The transient event model which should hide the access to the SICB banks is currently empty. Users should define the data that they need to access and communicate their requirements to Pavel. Marco offered to make a start this week with the top level event information such as event number and run number.
There was a discussion of the relative merits of steering the program via steering cards or via a database. Steering cards are used now to minimise the changes from SICB, but it was agreed that steering via a database could be a long term goal.
There was a request to put the released event model code in CVS. Marco will look into it this week. It is also desirable to integrate the generation of the Iain Last classes with the SICB release procedure, Andrei will look into this.
The SICB bank classes (Class_B package) only compile on AIX, so this code is usable only on AIX for now. Markus has seen a similar problem on HP before, related to the size of libraries. An attempt will be made to compile on HP with Markus' help.
The Class_B package does not conform to our coding conventions. The _ in the name is intentional, to remind us that this code is to be eventually thrown away. But the .cc file extension in the examples should be changed to .cpp
The list of SICB banks accessible via the Class_B package corresponds to the header files available in the Class_B/include/Class_B subdirectory
Marco showed where to find the code and how to get started. He will write a recipe based on his slides (.ppt, .ps ) which will evolve with time..
The next meeting will be next Tuesday 28th July, with the following preliminary agenda:
News and actions from last meeting
Development of Muon digitisation code within SICB++ environment (A.Tsaregorotsev)
Round table discussion on first impressions of SICB++ environment
Report on Detector Description DataBase project (P.Binko)