Minutes of the off-line meeting,
20th October 1998
Present: M.Cattaneo, A.Tsaregorodtsev, G.Gracia, E. van Herwijnen,
P.Bartalini, J.Harvey, P.Maley, P.Colrain, J.Saborido, F.Ranjard
Minutes: A.Tsaregorodtsev
2.LHCb Offline Application Framework: status report
1. News
Marco reported that on the last COCOTIME meeting referees
have given their assessments of the computing requests by
experiments. It looks like we have a good chance in 1999 to
get all teh requested resources.
2. LHCb Offline Application Framework: status
report (P.Mato)
Pere reported on the last modifications to the LHCb Offline
architecture which were largely inspired during a meeting in Orsay
with Christian Arnaud, Guy Baron and Agnieszka Jacholkowska
(see slides pdf). From the LHCb/CERN side
were present:
John, Paul, Pavel, Pere.
The discussion was fruitful. Some ideas like relations between
objects only in time order, importance of "identifiers" were
appreciated. The architecture was updated by specifying types
of links between the components (uses, creates, navigates);
new component added - converters to transform object
presentations in different areas (Persistant to/from Transient Event,
Transient to/from Visualization, etc). One more component likely
to be added - selector to perform various selections (EventSelector,
selection for visualization, etc).
It is important to present different view of the architecture (object
diagrams, class diagrams, scenario (interaction) diagrams). John
asked if the services class diagram fits the OMG architecture.
It looks like it fits "Java" and DCOM models, should be checked for
ATLAS model for the Detector Description uses Transient Detector
Model as a central part, so that all the specific representations are
converted form(to) it. This is a schema similar to the LHCb
LHCb components description are under way, the draft should be
ready by Friday.
Everybody is welcome to follow the progress in the LHCb
Offline Application Framework design on the project WWW
3. AOB
The next DDDB (Detector Description DataBase) meeting will be
held on 23 Oct. Pavel will be asked to report on the progress made
on DDDB Forum on the next offline meeting.
The next meeting will be on 27 October at 10:30 in 32-SC-22
as usual
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