Minutes of the offline meeting held on 26 January 1999
Present: P.Mato, P.Maley, P.Colrain, J.Harvey,
J.Saborido, E.van
Herwijnen, I.Videau, G.Gracia, M.Cattaneo,
M.Franck, R.Van Der
Eijk, M.Alemi, F.Ranjard
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
Rutger presented the package is has written in the ROOT framework for the Outer Tracker TestBeam :
The full documentation can be found at http://home.cern.ch/~lhcbott/Index.html
==> related remarks:
- Rutger has found ROOT is to used and well documented.
- Bugs are corrected quickly and new releases are backward compatible.
- But ROOT does not support STL
2. LHCb OO course (M.Cattaneo)
Marco presented appreciations and suggestions on the two LHCb OO sessions.(ppt)
==> remarks:
- start was too slow, much better in the 2nd session.
- there was not enough time for design.
- there was not enough time for discussion
- The course should concentrate to OO Analysis & Design
- ==> go back to two different courses : OO Analysis & Design , C++
- The conventions proposed during the course were not always consistent with our conventions.
- MS Dev Studio is very easy to learn.
Several questions about C++ and JAVA:
- Is C++ the right language to use ? Why not JAVA?
it is quite possible that we will move to JAVA one day if
- JAVA has good compilers
- HEP library exists in JAVA
3. A.O.B
Because of the Software week (8-12 February) I propose to have NO Offline meeting next week (2 February)
Next Offline meeting after the LHCb week (23 February)