Minutes of the offline meeting held on 23 February 1999
Present: P.Mato, P.Maley, J.Harvey, G.Corti, D.Steele, I.Korolko,
E.van Herwijnen,
G.Gracia, M.Cattaneo, M.Franck, F.Ranjard
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
The first Geant4 TSB took place at CERN on Tuesday 4 February 1999 . The minutes are not openly avalaible.
- people attending the meeting were developers (but D.Jacobs/CERN, myself/LHCb) : after few official statements on behalf of Universities or Laboratories, it was a Geant4 workshop.
- next release end of May: the target is consolidation, bug fixes and time performance improvement.
- update PhysicalConstants and SystemOfUnits to the corresponding CLHEP ones.
- use the CLHEP RandGeneral.
- migrate to STL.
- documention is avalaible on the web.
- introduction of granular libraries: a solution for the next TSB meeting end of March.
- hadronic packages
- the current implementation is an implementation "a la GHEISHA" entirely rewritten by Vancouver.
- another implementation is being worked out starting from theoritical models. This new implementation should be avalaible in the end of July release.
- cpu time consumption
- the problem occurs when tracking real events ==> when you mix physics process and tracking; tracking of geantino is going as fast as in Geant3: the Tracking and Electomagnetic working groups should study the problem.
- huge data files
- the huge data files are mandatory when you want to track low energy neutrons.
- SPIDER: the TSB agreed that Geant4 will watch the developments of the SPIDER-SRT group.
- Both CVS check in and out are restricted to Collaboration members.
2. Is it possible to split SICB in small packages?
Florence presented a way to split SICB in small packages: one sub-directory will be a package.(ppt)
==> remarks:
- cyclic dependencies must be avoided ==> some include files must be moved from one package to a lower one.
- working with 35 packages will be very difficult with the existing Makefile avalaible in the Task package.
- So the use of a Configuration Management Tool is recommended.
- SICB version 115 has been used to check the feasability of the split and to check CMT the tool written by C.Arnault.
- The same tool could be used in GAUDI and SICB.
==> decisions:
- Florence will install SICB v116 under CMT and provide the necessary documentation on the Web.
3. A.O.B
- SICB should run on OSF1
- installation of the new version on NT should be done as soon as possible after the release. Is it possible to automate it.
- next SW weeks (J.Harvey)
- reduce the SW week to 3 days: June2-4, Sept1-3, Nov24-26.
- Software planning (J.Harvey)
- meet with subdetector convenors and SW contact people to discuss programme of work in1999.
- establish the goals and timescales for producing them.
- explain what features will be supported by the framework and by when.
- to understand plans of the subdetector groups and the resources,
- to see what additional help can be provided in terms of training, support, etc..
Next Offline meeting Tuesday 2 March 1999