Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 1 September 1999
Present: P.Bartalini, P.Mato, T.Cass, F.Harris, G.Corti, J.Harvey,
M.Cattaneo, I.Videau, F.Loverre, J.Closier,
R.Chytracek, P.Binko, M.Needham, I.Korolko, C.Rafflin, P.Maley, A.Jacholkowska, F.Ranjard
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
LHCb would like to use a Code Check tool. Several are avalaible on the market. How to
Stefano has presented the method and plan IPT will follow to evaluate the various products
the Evaluation Criteria are avalaible in http://home.cern.ch/paoli/EvaluationCriteria.pdf
For LHCb it is essential that the tool runs on NT and Linux and does not require any support from LHCb.
The LHCb librarian could first test the could on Gaudi . Then the selected tools would be pass on to the Gaudi team.
lxp01, lxp02 are running rehat5.1, lxp03 is running redhat6 but with the same compiler as on redhat5.1
redhat6 runs with a MIT version of afs, IT is waiting for a transarc version of afs,
The final move to redhat6 will take place
when afs/transarc will work properly under redhat6.
lxplus was found rather slow by users. IT is waiting for 15 more PCs
faster and with more memory late October.
At the same time monitor tools were missing to analyze the traffic on lxplus.
shiftlhcb has not arrived end of July as forseen but it is now avalaible.
Many physicists have a Linux PC on their desk. They could install the same settings on
their PC than on lxplus and submit
batch jobs to shiftlhcb from there
It will be interesting to get STAROFFICE installed on the desktop PCs.
Tony will check with F.Hemmer the status of the LHCb NT server project.
The new SICB v219 is now released on 4 platforms (NT, AIX, HP-UX, Linux)
===> when SICB v219 will be released, developpers should work with CMT.