Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 22 September 1999
Present: P.Mato, T.Cass, F.Harris, G.Corti, J.Harvey, M.Cattaneo,
R.Chytracek, P.Binko, M.Needham, I.Korolko, P.Maley, A.Jacholkowska
Minutes : Frank Harris
Pere presented his view on a possible migration strategy for GAUDI following discussions at Amsterdam.(slides)
Agniescka commented we should be concerned about loss of performance from the use of converters. Also she commented that the strategy of the wrapping of Fortran code had been rejected by Atlas (but used by CMS??).
Pere agreed that performance may be aproblem to start with. Also there is the question of the format of the DST(ROOT/Zebra/?). We will be using 2 parallel geometries during the migration period. Also we cannot retire the simulation part of SICB before we have gone over to GEANT4.
Pavel reminded the meeting of the need for Architecture and Implementation reviews. People were concerned about having another review in the short term, because of the looming milestones. However several felt we must plan the next one in the not too distant future.
Ivan Korolko was concerned about the planning of migration with respect to the production of detector TDRs.
Pavel rehearsed a presentation he was to give to the LHC++ group the next day giving his personal opinion about the provision of histogramming facilities in the LHC++ environment. This was the first iteration and we would return to the matter at a future meeting.(slides)