Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 10November
Present: G.Corti, G.Gracia, J.Harvey, D.Liko, N.Neufeld, A.Valassi,
M.Cattaneo, I.Korolko,
R.Forti, D.Websdale, F.Harris, P.Mato, T.Cass, M.Frank, F.Ranjard
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. OO Implementation of LHCb RICH Software (D.Liko) (ppt)
Dietrich has presented the program, N.Neufeld and himself have developped
to implement the RICH software in C++.
- In the first step the pattern recognition fortran program written by R.Forti & al
has been implemented in C++:
- The C++ program is standalone as well as the Fortran program, The algorithm is the
same in both programs.
- First comparison between both programs on 100 events B -> pi pi gives a good
agreement in physics results, but the C++ code seems to take more cpu time and memory
(Linux Redhat 5.1)
- The next step will be to integrate the code into the Gaudi framework: main problem will
be to adapt the "smart track" concept to Gaudi. It will request some review of
the design.
- In the Future:
- migrate simulation of the photon detector response (done currently in SICB by
- interface the OO pattern recognition with the photon track reconstruction.
- add in the OO pattern recognition all the improvements added in SICB by G.Wilkinson.
- The Future is still in discussion in the RICH group.
next meeting : 8 December 1999 at 9:00 room B