Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 3 April 2000
Present: G.Corti, G.Gracia, M.Cattaneo, I.Korolko,
A.Schopper, M.Needham, J.Harvey, T.Nakada, T.Cass,
F.Ranjard, P.Colrain, P.Bartalini, O.Callot, E.van Herwijnen, S.Amato, P.Mato, I.Videau,
T.Ruf, R.Chytracek,
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. SICBDST v232 is (not yet) released
- Ivan has some modifications in rececal to be able to compile the code with optimization.
- Olivier has modifications in trielec to remove a print statment.
- Data base needs to be updated : new hcal.cdf file.
- Ivan will propose some improvements to reduce the DST event size next Wenesday.
- the problem with pile-up is still pending, Andrei being at CERN this week we hope to
solve the problem soon.
- Ivan will check which geometry is read in (from file header or from database? ) when
reading in DST file.
- corrections in kalman to avoid crashes on NT.
status report next Monday 10
2. Next versions of SICBMC and SICBDST
The content will be finalized and the time scale set during the SICB meeting Wenesday 5
- SICBDST v233 : forseen improvements:
- axselect: new package
- kalman: magnetic field z<95.
- digmuon, trimuon : improvements.
- trivert: improvements
- new data base
- status report next Monday 3 April
- SICBMC v232: forseen improvements:
- simgeom, simvdet: VELO is in magnetic field.
3. A.O.B
- Geant4 training session
- The G4 team is ready to give training lectures: the material is ready
- It is urgent to have a first list of interested people from various groups if we want to
organize such a course soon.
A first list should be set this week.
- HELP on the Web should be reoganized: John and Florence will look at it with the help of
some users.
next meeting : 10 April 2000 at 14:00
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