Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 10 April 2000
Present: G.Corti, G.Gracia, M.Cattaneo, A.Schopper, A.Jacholkowska,
M.Needham, J.Harvey,
F.Ranjard, O.Callot, E.van Herwijnen, P.Mato, M.Franck, P.Bartalini
Apologies: G.Wilkinson
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. A.O.B
- Florence proposed to announce Computing meetings on the Web without sending a mail
- the proposal was not accepted, but John and Florence will try to simplify the procedure
in the sens that only one Web page should be updated.
- Florence would like to upgrade CMT to the new v1r4p20000328 version.
- after discussion it was decided to do it immediately after the meeting.
- Marco announced that LHCb batch has now 8 machines (16 processors).
2. SICBDST v232 is (not yet) released
- Ivan has submitted corrections in several packages this morning.
- A new version has been built with:
- new calorimeter code
- correction in recrich for pileup
- correction in recevt/uglast to avoid to read the field map again at end of job
- This version will be tested during the week by Agnieszka: DST1 will be produced on
- It is agreed that no commit will be performed on $CVSROOT as long as the version
is definetively accepted by the calorimeter group.
- The pileup problem will be solved in SICBMC v232:
- DST2 will be produced with RAWH produced by SICBMC >= v232
status report next Monday 17
2. Next versions of SICBMC and SICBDST
- SICBMC v232: forseen improvements:
- simgeom, simvdet: VELO is in magnetic field.
- new RICH geometry
- new magnetic field map : keep the ascii file on all platforms.
- corrections in simmubg for pileup.
- generator optimization: needs a lot of studies, may be not ready for v232
- SICBDST v233 : forseen improvements:
- axselect: new package
- kalman: magnetic field z<95.
- digmuon, trimuon : improvements.
- trivert: improvements
- new data base
- time scale: after SICBMC v232
next meeting : 17 April 2000 at 14:00
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