Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 19 June 2000
Present: J.Closier, M.Cattaneo, J.Harvey, K.Harrison, M.Frank, M.Needham,
T.Cass, G.Gracia, I.Belyaev,
P.Bartalini, F.Ranjard, E.van Herwijnen, O.Callot, P.Mato, I.Korolko
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. Building and running software on NT (M.Cattaneo)
- Marco assumes that everybody has a WNT PC with a NICE installation.
- Marco explains in details how to set the environment (htm), that could be done in a LHCb
standard installation.
- Marco recommends to develop code on NT because the debugger is very good.
2. Migration plan LHcb collaboration DB, mail and Web
services (E.Van Herwijnen)
- move collaboration data base people to PIE.
- most of the people are already registered in PIE.
- some training is necessary to use PIE,
- and some changes in BWHO
- move documents from BWHO to library system
- look at password protection facility in the new system
- mailing lists
- the change will be automated.
- some mailing lists will be renamed
- messages will be archived in the new scheme.
- move the web server
- requires the use of frontpage 2000 to keep more than 2 levels of subwebs.
- frontpage 2000 is independent of W2000
- put frontpage 2000 on NICE and then check it on NT.
- move all files from LHCb web server to central web server
A possible reorganisation of the LHCb webs could be
envisaged when the migration is complete.
3. SICBMC v233 (Flr)
The test version has been verified by Paolo and Guy and declared good for production.
It is released.
- Eric has pushed 3 x 5000 events.
- Agnieszka will look at the outputs.
4. SICBDST v234 (Flr)
- The test version needs some refinements.
- Guy will deliver new cdf files and rich code.
- The new version will be tested as soon as ready.
5. Brunel v1 testing status report (M.Cattaneo)
- There is one coordinator per subdetector.
- The following subdetectors have checked the 100 events sample produced with Brunel v1
- tracking, Velo, L1 are OK
- RICH will be checked with the new version.
- CALO will be checked.
- Muon is being checked.
- Marco will give a status report evebry Monday.
- The Zebra common block of Brunel should be enlarged.
- the /afs/cern.ch/..../sicbmc.dat is obsolete and should be removed.
6. A.O.B.
- CMT v1r5 (Flr)
- The new version has been tested on Linux and NT.
- Will become the official version after the meeting.
- Bookkeeping database (J.Closier)
- New tables RUNSETS and GENERATOR are available.
- Paolo will fill the GENERATOR table for various event type.
- These tables should be used by the production team to generate a given event type. If
the event type is not yet
defined the generator table must be filled before starting the production.
- $SCWEEK (Flr)
- $SCWEEK is defined for everybody at login time.
- to look at the content : rfdir $SCWEEK
- to copy a file onto $SCWEEK: rfcp my.file $SCWEEK/.
- to copy a file from $SCWEEK: rfcp $SCWEEK/my.file work/.
- to remove a file from $SCWEEK: rfrm $SCWEEK/my.file
next meeting : 26 June 2000 at 14:00 in bldg. 1/1-025
<<<====== EP conference
provisional agenda: - Brunel v1 testing status (M.Cattaneo)
- SICBDST v234 status (Flr)