Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 26 June 2000
Present: J.Closier, M.Cattaneo, J.Harvey, K.Harrison, M.Frank, M.Needham,
T.Cass, G.Gracia, I.Belyaev,
P.Bartalini, F.Ranjard, E.van Herwijnen, O.Callot, P.Mato, I.Korolko, R.Hierck, F.Fiedler,
O.Schneider, A.Jacholkowska, G.Corti, J.L, B.Hay
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. SICBMC v233 (Flr)
The version does not run on NT: it is in a loop in the first event. May be a linking
problem. Paolo will look at it with Eric.
It is very important that, as soon as a new version is on test, it is tested on
the various platforms used for production.
2. SICBDST v234r1 (Flr)
- The test version fa now the version number v234r1: some banks are dropped before writing
the DST to reduce the
event size.
- the DST2 problem is not yet solved: Bruce, Andrei and Agnieszka are working on it:
- the VRHT bank seems to be corrupted but we don't know yet the cause of the
- is it due to the pileup procedure, to the VELO code or to an unfortunate combination of
- We hope to have an explanation soon.
- In the meantime the RICH productiuon should start because RICH does not need DST2.
- the number of tracks stored in ATMC is limited to 10000.
- we need a mechanism to reduce the number of tracks in ATMC,
- this mechanism is implemented: all tracks with hits in trackers with E> Ecut
are stored in ATMC
- to reduce the number of stored tracks it is enough to increase the Ecut from 0.Gev
(today) to something reasonable.
- The physics group should take a decision.
3. Brunel v1r1 testing status report (M.Cattaneo)
- New version v1r1 to increase the Zebra common block length.
- The following subdetectors have checked the 100 events sample produced with Brunel v1
- tracking, VELO and L1 are already checked out.
- Karl has checked the MUON part.
- no news from RICH and CALO
- Still problem to get new jobid from old database.
6. A.O.B.
- staging disk space has been increased by 400Gytes.
- Bookkeeping database
- RUNSETS table has no room for the 2nd input file when making DST2.
- that should be forseen in the next version
- At the same time keep the log file address.
- COCOTIME questionnaire
- has been sent this week
- Joel will collect the replies.
- It is important to mention the peaks of usage, not only a mean average over the year.
- Tony will give the usage made by LHCb during the past year during the SW week.
next meeting : 3 July 2000 at 14:00 in bldg. 1/1-025
<<<====== EP conference
provisional agenda: - Brunel v1 testing status (M.Cattaneo)
- SICBDST v234 status (Flr)
- A.O.B