Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 13 November
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. Schedule and content of SICBMC v235 (F.Ranjard)
- SICBMC v235 will be built on top of new RICH and new VELO
- simuon v4 , detdes v7 , dbase v232- new muon geometry
- simgeom v4 - correction in xsmag4
- simpgen v6 - new decay routines
- simskel v5r2, Futil v5r7, Futio v6r7 - a try to cure the ATMC 10000 bug.
- test release on Monday 20 November.
2. Introduction of groups area on $CVSROOT, $LHCBSOFT, $LHCBDEV, mycmt (F.Ranjard)
- creation of various groups. Each group should have a group manager with write access on
- GaudiSys will be moved out of $LHCBSOFT to a CERN official area /afs/cern.ch/sw/Gaudi
- LHCb specific Gaudi software will be kept on $LHCBSOFT/Event , $LHCBSOFT/Det
- Fortran code and C++ converters will be kept on $LHCBSOFT/SICB
- group code will be kept on $LHCBSOFT under
- Calo, Velo, L0, L1, Muon, Rich, IT, OT, Tr
3. A.O.B.
- Web pages should be improved: it is very difficult for a newcomer to run a job.
- It is not easy to run SICBDST and SICBMC: it is difficult to customize the packages.
- It should be possible to select DST jobid made with a given SICBDST version and a SICBMC
- 40% of the DSTs crash in Gaudi
- the problem is due to more than 10000 entries in a ATMC partition.
next meeting : 20 November 2000 at 14:00