Brunel v21r0 - released 7th November 2003

The table below list new features introduced in Brunel version v21r0, relative to version v20r1

Subsystem Item Responsible Status
Input/Output Incompatible change to input and output event data format C.Jones RichKernel v4r0, EventSys v15r0
  Add L1Buffer to DST M.Cattaneo  
IT Fix to material of IT frames Y.Xie XmlDDDB v19r0
OT Provide small default set of monitoring histograms J.v.Tilburg OTAlgorithms v13r3
Rich Use GSL instead of drteq4 in RichDetTools/RichReflector    
  Changes to monitoring C.Jones RichRecQC v1r2
  Updates and new features in Ring Refit M.Benayoum RichRingRefit v1r2
Tracking Track fit - speed up plus possibility to refit with outlier removal J.v.Tilburg TrFitEvent v4r1, TrFitter v3r7
  Changes to tuning parameters of extrapolation J.v.Tilburg TrExtrapolators v2r8
  Fix uninitialised variables (bug 1673) J.v.Tilburg TrCheck v3r7