1. Present event size on DST1 of more than 2 Mbytes/eventscauses
problems in production (especially at Lyon, stageing and analysis. Moreover it will
2. Dropping of all RAWH banks has been considered:
Decision taken: only CALOs RAWH banks will be dropped on standard DST,immediately after
RICH TDR production. In future, going to the physical cells in Geant is also considered
for calorimeters. 3. Adding an additional reference to ATMC (overpassing RAWH banks) in SICB has been
proposed and rejected. 4. A pending problem of understanding the difference between the calculated and the
measured event size (~0.3Mbytes) should be clarified as soon as possible. 5. A proposal for the Analysis Minidst (in view of millions of bbars) has been
discussed.It would contain: AXTK,ATMC,AVMC,PGEN and maybe some RICH related banks.
Dropping of MC information for secondaries which do not endup in AXTK banks should be
considered. This is a new project and a proposal will be elaborated and presented first in
a Physics meeting (provisionally end June). The Minidst will be fully readable in SICB and
Gaudi. May 26,Y2K, Agnieszka.