Do an arbitrary SQL query on the bookkeeping database
Some examples of SQL queries you can do:
- Everything in the database (probably doesn't work): select * from runsets
- The entry corresponding to jobid=16139: select * from runsets where jobid=16139
- What entries are available for programversion=v232r2 (use single quotes around strings):
select * from runsets where programversion='v232r2'
- Tapenr and filseqnr corresponding to jobid=16139: select volserialnb,fileseqnb from
runsets where jobid=16139
- To find program versions of all tapenrs and fileseqnrs earlier than 17 feb 1998: select
volserialnb,fileseqnb,programversion from runsets where
writdate<to_date('170298','DDMMRR') order by volserialnb,fileseqnb
- To find jobids of RAWH events of type 61 that haven't been used before for pileup at
CERN: select jobid from runsets tab1 where datatype='RAWH' and programversion='v233r1' and
evttype=61 and laboratory=9 and not exists (select jobid from runsets tab2 where
tab2.datatype='DST2' and tab2.programversion='v235r1' and tab2.pileupinput=tab1.runnumber)
or datatype='RAWH' and programversion='v233r1' and evttype=61 and laboratory=2 and not
exists (select * from runsets tab2 where tab2.datatype='DST2' and
tab2.programversion='v235r1' and tab2.pileupinput=tab1.runnumber)