SICBDST-SICBMC compatibility table

========== new RICH, new VELO, new MUON, new CALO, new Beam Pipe ============

SICBDST v252 is on test (April 6)

It uses dbase v235
It contains the newest code of all detectors
It reads RAWH produced with SICBMC v242
Full details can be found in the release.notes

======== new RICH, new Beam Pipe, new VELO, new MUON, old CALO geometry   ========================

SICBMC v240r2 is on test (April 9)

It uses dbase v233r3
It contains new MUON geometry, background  and RAWH format
It is not backward compatible with v233*
Full details can be found in the release.notes

======== new RICH, new Beam Pipe, old VELO, old MUON, old CALO geometry ==========================

SICBDST v235r5 is released (March 9)

It uses dbase v229r3
can read AIMP bank.
Pileup is fixed for 1 signal event + mbias events (SIFL 6=98)
Full details can be found in the released.notes

=================== previous versions =============================

SICBDST v235 is released (August 4)

It uses dbase v229.
Pileup bug is fixed.
Any improvements should be based on this version.
Full details can be found in the released.notes

SICBDST v234r2 is released (July 6)

Full details can be found in the release notes

SICBDST v234r1 is released (July 3)

It uses dbase v229.
It has an improved description of RICH1 and RICH2.
Full details can be found in the released.notes

SICBDST v233r2 is released (May 29)

datasets produced with SICBMC v232 can be used to produce DST2
It uses dbase v227.
Full details can be found in the release.notes

SICBDST v233r1 is released (May 5)

datasets produced with SICBMC v232 can be used to produce DST2
It uses dbase v227.
Full details can be found in the release.notes

SICBDST v232r1 is released (May 3)

this is the v231 + calorimeters improvements
It must be used with dbase>= v226
Full details can be found in the release.notes

SICBDST v231 is released

this is the v230 + pileup on rawHit banks
It must be used with dbase>= v225
Full details can be found in the release.notes

SICBDST v230 is released

It is NOT linked with geant321 nor QQ.
It must be used with dbase >= v224
It can read read raw hit datasets produced by SICBMC and create digitizings and then reconstruct and analyse events.
It CANNOT process pileup events.
Full details can be found in the release.notes.

SICBDST-SICBMC compatibility table