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This page last edited by PK on March 08, 2006 .

DaVinci Troubleshooting Guide

Compiled using 700 e-mails exchanged since February 2004.

This refers to DaVinci versions v9r4 (for TDR) and v11r7 or later. Some other problems may happen with older versions (like the "eta' bug") or older data (missing RICH PID). They are not listed here.


Possible solution / cause

Most common problems

$SOMEPACK/options/SomeOpts.opts does not exist Whenever you change something in the requirements, or get a new package you have to do

> cmt config

in DaVinci/vXrY/cmt . Check all errors and warnings.

> source setup.csh

Quite often some old package in your newmycmt overwrites the default version of a package used by DaVinci. Do

> cmt show uses

To see who's requiring what.

DllClassManager ERROR Could not load module SomeModule
Some strange compilation or linking problem

Compilation / linking problems

> cmt sh uses
Missing separator '/' after completion "(-l,-R,-r,-d,-o,-requirements)".
In your .(t)cshrc:
set correct=cmd
instead of
set correct=all

Problems at startup, initialisation or first event

you see this:
*                                                        *
*                                                        *
*                 DaVinci version v12r6                  *
*                                                        *
*                                                        *
and then it hangs forever...
You have made a typo in the name of some option file you are including, or you are using an undefined environment variable. There's no straightforward way to debug this.
DllClassManager     ERROR Could not load module HbookCnv HbookCnv has been removed from the DaVinci requirements to help outside labs compile DaVinci. Just restore it in the requirements... But HBOOK is going to disappear someday and you should really switch to ROOT.
JobOptionsSvc ERROR Unable to set property OutputLocation This option has been removed from the DVAlgorithm class. Now the PhysDesktop of a DVAlgorithm called MyAlg returns its output to /Event/Phys/MyAlg/
ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "GaudiPython" };

ApplicationMgr.Runable = "PythonScriptingSvc";

-> crash

This did not work with older DaVinci versions with POOL data. Now it seems to be OK. Use a recent version of DaVinci.
Caught exception:PFN "rfio:/castor/cern.ch/lhcb/prod04/00000800_00000023_5.dst" is not existing
although you know this file exists...
Do you have an explicit version of ROOT set up in your .login? If yes, remove it, it might be incompatible with the used version. You don't need to hard-code ROOT in your .login, you get the right version from ROOT from DaVinciEnv.

Crashes or errors in execution

Crash in PoolRootTreeEvtCnvSvc  

RFIO error. It's not reproducible. Re-run your job.

You can avoid problems with RFIO by doing the following:


Troubles with RFIO: Crashes in PoolRootTreeEvtCnvSvc. Try to use the following trick, which seems to work fine:
  • Copy the file /afs/cern.ch/user/p/pkoppenb/public/.rootauthrc to your home directory
  • Make sure there is no .rootrc file there, or at least that you know what it is doing.
  • Replace all the "rfio:" by "castor:" in your input data. It will look like EventSelector.Input   = {
    "DATAFILE='PFN:castor:/castor/cern.ch/lhcb/DC04/00000541_00000665_9.dst' TYP='POOL_ROOTTREE' OPT='READ'"};

    This will pick up rootd instead of rfio.
EventLoopMgr WARNING Execution of algorithm PrimVtxFinder failedCombined INFO Charged ProtoParticles container is empty at Rec/ProtoP/Charged MySelection ERROR could not retrieve particles from /Particles EventLoopMgr ERROR Error processing event loop. EventLoopMgr ERROR Terminating event processing loop due to errors Are you using digi data instead of dst?
Segmentation violation when running PrimVertexAnalysis This algorithm works only with Hbook ntuple format.
You get plenty of these errors:

PoolRootTreeEvtCnvSvc           ERROR Error: read> Cannot read object:/Event/Phys (PersistencySvc) pool::PersistencySvc::UserDatabase::connectForRead   FID "78175FDB-1AFE-D911-8961-001422092C59" is not existing in the catalog Status=ERROR

You a reading a DST file that already contains the node /Event/Phys because of a previous stripping. Pool is too smart and wants to open the original file, but can't find it.

Kill the useless node adding:

DaVinciMainSeq.Members += { "EventNodeKiller"};
EventNodeKiller.Nodes = { "/Event/Phys" };



WARNING SetFilterPassed not called for this event! You have to call setFilterPassed(true) or setFilterPassed(false) once per event for DVAlgorithms. This information is needed by sequencers.

You can switch this off by setting the option MyAlg.AvoidSelResult = true ;

WARNING Decay Descriptor string not specified DVAlgorithms expect a decay descriptor string.


Empty PhysDesktop Typo in InputLocations
HBook file seems to be empty type ldir to see the subdirectories