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LHC Computing Workshop - Barcelona

From: John.Harvey@cern.ch
Date: 1/12/98
Time: 6:31:25 PM
Remote Name:


Dear Colleagues, As I mentioned in a recent Plenary meeting, there will be a workshop on computing for LHC in Barcelona. The workshop is organised by the LCB (LHC Computing Board) and will take place from March 18 to 20. The tentative program is appended below. I will circulate the detailed programme as soon as it is finalised.

The workshop will be attended by people from the four LHC collaborations, from IT division and by a few experts selected from other experiments, such as BaBar and CDF. In order to avoid that this workshop turns into a big conference, it was decided that the participation for each experiment will be limited (the guidelines are ~20 people each for ATLAS and CMS and ~10-15 for each of LHCb and ALICE).

If there are more people interested, the computing coordinator is expected to invite the participants to best meet the goals of the workshop. In particular we have to find the right balance between: - offline people and DAQ people - CERN people and people from other institutes - software engineering specialists and end users (physicists)

Can those people who want to participate to the workshop please send me a mail expressing their interest. Please also indicate your suggestions for the programme and whether you would like to make a specific contribution.

Thank you very much for giving me an answer as soon as you can and by Friday January 23rd at the latest.

Many thanks,


================================================================================= TENTATIVE PROGRAM FOR BARCELONA LCB WORKSHOP -------------------------------------------- 1. ARCHITECTURE Goals : quality and re-use Integration technology standards (OMG/CORBA, ActiveX/OLE, Javabeans/RMI) Application frameworks Component-ware : experiment specific, HEP-wide, commercial software Domain decomposition

2. MIGRATION STRATEGY How to migrate collaboration people from FORTRAN to 00 Technology •Mentors - bootstrapping (external consultants) •Centralized expertise (e.g. IPT ) •Software Process •Start - up environment : Physics analysis tools, GUI, database,... •Training

3. PLANNING Phases, major milestones, time to take decisions

4. SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS Experiments activities