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lhcb-cb GEANT4 MoU

Date: 11/27/98
Time: 8:55:08 PM
Remote Name:
Remote User: lhcb


Dear Collaboration board member, GEANT4 is a successor of GEANT3 developed as an LHC R&D programme by the RD44 collaboration. It is built on Object Oriented Technology and about 100 people from over 40 institutes contributed. The collaboration believes that the programme is ready for release and its user support, maintenance and future development should now be considered. Since experts are all over the world, it is considered that no single institute or laboratory can provide the user support and maintenance. Therefore, it was proposed that a GEANT4 collaboration to be formed with a Memorandum of Understanding signed by participating institutes and experiments. Participants are obliged to provide manpower to take some responsibilities in the user support, maintenance and future development. The current version of the draft MoU is available from our web, http://lhcb.cern.ch/computing/ under GEANT4 as a word file for inspection. Please note that this is still a draft. Apart from some confusing points such as experiments also participating rather than only institutes and laboratories, the major problem with MoU is that no clear responsibility for the user support and maintenance is visible. We are trying to overcome this problem by organizing a Memorandum to the CERN management from the four LHC experiments requesting the following: CERN would acknowledge that it is a part of CERN's contribution to set-up an interface group between the CERN users and GEANT4 experts, who developed the GEANT4, so that we can have a clear line of the user support and maintenance. With ALICE and ATLAS, we are converging. We start to discuss with CMS on Monday and we hope to come to an agreement. Once setting up such an interface at CERN is agreed, it may be rather difficult to avoid signing it soon or later. We have no real choice than using GEANT4 as a detector simulation tool. We also need to show our readiness to participate in HEP wide software effort. I will keep you updated on this problem and we most probably need to discuss at CB. yours Tatsuya

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