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LHCb underground cavern (lhcb-cb)

From: hans.Jurgen.Hilke@cern.ch
Date: 7/14/00
Time: 12:23:06 PM
Remote Name:
Remote User: lhcb


<PRE> Dear Members of the CB, to keep you informed early about a possibility, which is being investigated at present, I send you a message, which has been distributed to the TB Members last week. Once feedback is obtained on the open technical questions and from the TB, the management will come back to you with its proposition. If anyone of you is feeling strongly about any particular point, please feel free to contact me already now. Best regards, Hans Juergen Dear colleagues, the CERN management is finalizing the contracts for scrapping LEP material. LHCb has, therefore, been asked to confirm its list of DELPHI components, which it wishes to keep. Since last year, the situation was that LHCb would require less than half of the DELPHI barracks underground for electronic racks and gas distribution. When last week going through with Jorgen Christiansen and Beat Jost our latest numbers on electronic racks , which are supposed to be placed into the accessible zone behind the concrete wall , we realized that less than one quarter of the DELPHI barrack space would be occupied. Any of three scenarios (keeping only A+C or B or D) would give us more that a factor of 2 spare room for any later additions. Being under continuous pressure to do our maximum to promote public awareness for the CERN activities, the idea came up of possibly finding room for preserving the DELPHI Barrel as an exhibition piece in the area next to the electronics’ barrack(s), on the side of the exit from the personnel elevator PZ. In a crash program, Daniel Lacarrère, Rolf Lindner, Christian Joram (who is responsible for the dismantling of DELPHI ), Jean Renaud (responsible for the DELPHI pit) and myself have gone through implications of various layouts. We reached the conclusion, that a reasonable layout is possible even for keeping barrackD, which would give the largest ‘spare room’. With respect to the present dismantling scheme for DELPHI some savings in cost and time could be expected. There is no disturbance foreseen of the installation of LHCb. The inconvenience due to the space taken up by the yoke should be small. First discussions with TIS indicate, that ‘scientific’ visitors could be allowed any time and the public at least during large fractions of the years up to mid-2005 and during long shutdowns afterwards. It is clear that even this somewhat restricted scenario would already be of great interest to CERN and also to LHCb. In fact, the LHCb pit would become a major attraction already during the years before our installation, with the possibility to describe in ‘the real environment’ the recent past and the future in an impressive way. It has been clearly stated by us, that this idea is not supposed to interfere in any way with projects to keep or to reassemble the ALEPH detector, which are under discussion since quite some time. To see, whether it was sensible at all to pursue the idea any further, I asked in writing the DELPHI spokesman Tiziano Camporesi, if DELPHI would support the idea. Although approval from the DELPHI Collaboration is still pending, the first reactions are very encouraging. Because of the imminent signing of the contracts to scrap LEP material, I was asked to inform right away also the CERN management, making clear though that further discussions inside LHCb were still required before any decision could be taken. Again the first reactions, in particular from Hans Hoffmann are very supportive. We, should, therefore, try to get a clear picture inside LHCb as rapidly as possible. I suggest the following steps. 1. Daniel Lacarrère will investigate in more detail the consequences on the layout and installation. 2. He will together with Rolf Lindner and Christian Joram update drawings of the proposed layout on the Web (LHCb Subsystems/ Experimental Area/LHCb Counting house). 3. With your help, Jorgen Christiansen will update once more the requirements for rack space in the underground barrack(s). 4. Rolf Lindner will summarize the likely needs for the distribution of the gas systems. 5. You are requested to send me already by e-mail any objections, questions or comments you may have, also supportive ones, please. 6. This issue will be discussed in our next TB July 28th. I hope that we will be able to clarify all the technical points, thus allowing the managemnt to finalize its position and make a proposal to the Collaboration. Best regards, Hans Juergen </PRE>

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