Neville Harnew accepted to take the task of the editor in charge of the overall coherence of the proposal.

Section title

Responsible editor

Contact Person Suggested number of pages
1 Overview Tatsuya Nakada Tatsuya Nakada 10
1.1 Physics overview (motivation, summary of performance)
1.2 Detector overview
1.3 Data Handling (Trigger, DAQ base line design and hardware, Computing)
2 Detector Dave Websdale    
2.1 Beam Pipe (machine related things) Georg von Holtey 1
2.2 Magnet Wolfgang Pflegel 1
2.3 Microvertex:
  • introduction
  • detector
  • vacuum tank
  • front end electronics
  • performance
Werner Ruckstuhl 8
2.4 Main tracking
  • inner: detector, performance
  • outer: detector, performance
Werner Ruckstuhl 10
2.5 RICH
  • RICH-1
  • RICH-2
  • HPD
  • electronics
  • test beam results
  • pattern recognition
Roger Forty 10
2.6 Calorimeter
  • E-cal, preshower
  • H-cal
Giovanni Carboni 10
2.7 Muon system Brad Cox 5
3 Data Handling John Harvey    
3.1 Trigger
  • event selection performance
  • number of particles per channel on tape
Ueli Straumann, Sergio Conetti 15
3.2 DAQ
  • includes slow controls
Frank Harris 5
3.3 Computing   5
4 Experimental area Hans-Jurgen Hilke   8
  • Layout and services (power, cooling)
  • Safety
  • Radiation (steady states, accidents, induced radiation)
5 Physics performance Tatsuya Nakada   20
6 Project planning Hans-Jurgen Hilke   5
6.1 Organization

6.2 Responsabilities (table with by detector: institute, activity)

6.3 Schedule (containing installation)

6.4 Cost

6.5 Resources

6.6 Test beam (infrastructure requirements)