30 May 1997

1) Function

Editorial Board is responsible to produce the Technical Proposal which is coherent, balanced and easily read. It defines the content, overall layout and the technology for the production of the document.

With the help from the working group, the board collects and edits the contributions and produces a draft. In consultation with working groups, contents of the contributions must be agreed beforehand. The draft will be distributed to the collaboration for comments. Although every effort must be made to accommodate these comments, the board has the ultimate editorial authority.

All the decisions made by the board must be immediately communicated to the collaboration for comments.

2) Sub-Areas

In order to work efficiently, we define the following sub-areas:

  • Detector
  • Data Handling
  • Infrastructure
  • Physics
  • Costing
  • Organisation.

A member of the board is assigned to the each sub-area for collecting the contribution from the relevant working groups and producing a coherent document for the sub-area. Further breakdown of the sub-area will be defined by the board.

3) Organisation

The spokesman chairs the board. For a better distribution of the work, it is desirable that the board members are not the convenors of the working groups which are expected to make important contributions.

Initial members of the board are:

  • N. Harnew (Over all consideration)
  • J. Harvey (Data Handling)
  • H.-J. Hilke (Infrastructure and Costing)
  • T. Nakada (Physics and Organisation, Chair)
  • D. Websdale (Detector)
  • E. van Herwijnen works as the scientific secretary who will provide a technical assistance.