15 september 1997

Progress on the draft contents of the Technical Proposal were discussed.

  1. Overview of the Experiment.
  • Following a suggestion by one of our referees, it was decided to
    increase the Overview (1.1) by 5 pages, to allow a description of the uniqueness of the LHCb experiment. This description would be as non technical as possible, but put forward quantitative arguments why LHCb will be better in the 'clean channels', and mention what we expect from the 'non-clean channels'. A technical discussion of the physics will go into an Appendix.
  • The Detector section (1.2) will contain a reminder of the basic parameters (cross section, luminosity) and their derivation.
  • The Data Handling section (1.3) will contain a summary of the overall architecture of the Trigger/DAQ including an overview of the front end electronics for all detectors. This will allow common aspects of the front end electronics to be described in one place. Detector dependent details will appear scattered throughout the Technical Proposal, in each subdetector's subsection.
  1. Detector.
  • Some authors of subsections will produce supportive technical notes.
  • No one has a problem to produce a first draft of their contribution by Nov. 1st 1997.
  • Giovanni Carboni has expressed his wish to resign as convenor of the Calorimeter subgroup. The technical input for the ECAL and HCAL sections is covered, but a replacement is needed to take overall responsibility for the calorimetry chapter of the TP. This may be solved soon.
  • Concerning the muon contribution, it was felt we should not go into too many details, and concentrate on one technology (e.g. RPC). This area will obviously continue to be studied after the Technical Proposal.
  1. Data Handling.
  • Trigger
    • The list of technical notes has already been presented.
    • Nearly final drafts will be available by the beginning of November, so they can be used as input for preparing the meeting with the referees on November 3/4.
    • The aim is to finalise the technical notes by mid November. This is compatible with the LHCC referees' requirement of end November.
  • DAQ
    • First drafts of Dataflow URD, Slow Controls URD and DAQ architecture documents are available and being worked on. Results of the front end electronics questionnaire are providing valuable input for progressing with these. The simulation tools and programs are advanced for making architecture studies and results are expected soon.
    • The DAQ implementation scenario can be writen once the requirements have ben understood.
  • Computing
    • The computing requirements need to be understood and presented in the TP. Several technical notes should be prepared, for example on computing tasks, CPU requirements and solutions, data management and access patterns, Software strategy and planning. There will be discussion on this during this week. Valuable input is expected from level 2,3 trigger studies.
  1. Experimental Area.
  • No news, draft will be ready end october.
  1. Physics Performance.
  • Names need to be determined for these subsections, but currently everybody is busy optimizing the level 1,2,3 triggers. By early november the detector simulation and normalization of B and B-bar could be there.
  • An independent person should be found to do the gamma analysis.
  • One of the referees requested that pi-zero be studied.
  1. Project Planning.
  • On schedule for end of october. Clearly circulation of the responsibilities and resources will be circulated to a restricted audience only.
  1. Appendix A.
  • An appendix will be added for the physics formulas.
  1. Appendix B.
  • An appendix will be added with the abstracts of all technical notes. (The technical notes will have to be submitted to the LHC-C at the same time as the Technical Proposal).

Minutes edited by: EvH