7 november 1997


LEVEL – 0 (information supplied by Sergio Conetti)

  • Pile-Up

Performance paper (Wilkinson-Zaitsev) has been available for a while in its final form.

Implementation paper (Zaitsev et al.) was made available a while ago. More details to be included on the technical aspects of the implementation. A revised version will be available very soon.

  • Calorimeter

Performance paper (Conetti-Korolko-Wilkinson) exists as a draft containing about 60-70% of the required text, should be able to have a good final draft by mid-November

Implementation paper, 3D-Flow: no text exists for the paper, since we are concentrating on optimizing the program to run the algorithm (and some of the essential input, e.g. the relative granularity of Ecal vs. Hcal was not defined until last week's meeting). Once the "meat" for the paper is available, then it's rather trivial to garnish it with the appropriate text.

Implementation paper, HERA-B scheme: a draft note is available from Bruschi. I am in close contact with him and our target is to provide a description as detailed as possible, given the time constraints, of the potential alternative trigger implementation, by mid/late November.

Implementation paper, Orsay work: no recent information available on this. We can plan to include material in the TP if and when it becomes available.

  • Muon

Performance paper: it exists in a more or less final version

Implementation paper, 3D-Flow: a draft exists, which does not yet contain enough information. The authors to be solicited for a more complete paper.

Implementation paper, fast encoding option: Marseilles has promised to provide something by the end of November


LEVEL – 1 (information from Ueli Straumann)

Vertex Trigger:

Readout: J. Buytaert, H. Dijkstra, H. Mueller, ( H. Dijkstra started)

Comparison of analog and binary readout versus physics: P.Koppenburg (draft exists)

Trigger algorithm and physics performance: T. Ruf (draft exists)

Trigger Implementation: J.Buytaert, H.Mueller, M. Koratzinos and P. Mato (draft exists)

Tracking Trigger performance: Peter Schleper - Dataflow diagram available

Tracking Trigger impelmentation: Michael Cuje - Implementation block diagram available

Ueli Straumann - Performance plots available

Level 2

Performance: John Holt, Frederic Teubert , Ian Tomalin (draft available)

Level 3

Performance: Alex Nippe Guy Wilkinson, Patrick Koppenburg (some preliminary results available)

Global trigger performance and optimization

Peter Schleper, Claire Shepherd. -T., Guy Wilkinson, Hans Dijkstra - This will be a last minute item.

B) DAQ TECHNICAL NOTES (Input from Frank Harris)

Requirements (Editor F Harris)

A draft exists but has to be updated with the new information of the last week. Included here is information which presumably also will be in FE Electronics specs. However I include it as an appendix for ease of reference for the reader. I will be updating document with 'system' requirements for things like error recovery. The document will evolve for quite a while but certainly by mid November a publishable (on WWW) version should exist. From this we will glean the key pages for the TP.

Architecture (Ed B Jost)

A draft exists. Again this will evolve, and we expect a reasonable version should exist by mid November on which we will base material for the TP.

Modelling DAQ (Ed L Camacho)

A first version exists describing the Foresight work. We expect (hope) this to include more modelling results by end November, from which we could extract material for the TP.

DCS Requirements (Ed. P.Mato - in conjunction with Alice)

This is quite a mature document, and can certainly be used as the basis of statements for the TP.

Implementation Studies (Ed. J P Dufey)

Drafting has begun. Jean Pierre and Irakli Mandjavidze have done much of the preparatory work. It will be written largely from general consideration, but then with reference to specific technologies. A reasonable first draft is aimed for by end November.

C) COMPUTING TECHNICAL NOTES (information supplied by John Harvey)

Computing Tasks (Ed P.Binko)

A first draft exists. The strategy for collecting requirements is defined. Questionnaires have been sent to detector coordinators, concerning details of the reconstruction and to the Level 2 and Level 3 groups concerning trigger algorithm requirements.

Computing Model (Ed A. Pacheco)

A first draft exists. This will be a very preliminary study and will evolve as our requirements are better understood.

Software Strategy (Ed E van Herwijnen)

A fairly complete draft exists. Major issues are tackled. Paradigm proposed and importance of standards and architecture stressed.

Planning (Ed. J.Harvey)

A first draft exists. Migration strategy, prototype and production phases are proposed. A draft workplan

Exists. Manpower planning and costing remains to be done.

N.B. Much new material which must be discussed at next collaboration meeting.

FRONT-END ELECTRONICS TECHNICAL NOTES (Information from Jorgen Christiansen)

The technical notes planned to be made for the front-end electronics of LHCb are the following:

  • General front-end electronics architecture.
  • Formatting of data from front-end electronics.
  • Use of TTC system.
  • front-end electronics of RICH
  • front-end electronics of Vertex
  • front-end electronics of Inner tracker
  • front-end electronics of outer tracker
  • front-end electronics of E-cal
  • front-end electronics of H-cal
  • front-end electronics of Muon

The front-end electronics task force should write the three first. Unfortunately I will not have much time during the coming month. Currently the only real document on the architecture of the front-end electronics is my paper from the LERB conference in London. This can certainly be brought up-to-date and used as the basis of the overview of the FE electronics.

The TTC note will be written by Beat Jost.

The sub-detector groups must write the other notes on the different sub-detectors.


Responsibility for trigger sections allocated as follows:

  1. Introduction and overview S. Conetti/U. Straumann
  2. L0 triggers S. Conetti
  3. L1 triggers U. Straumann
  4. Physics performance, including high level algorithms P. Schleper

The last chapter was (at least partly) supposed to be included in the physics chapter of the TP. Some clarification needed of what comes in the trigger and what in the physics chapter.

Plans for Level 0 section:

Sergio plans to concentrate on writing starting the week of Nov 24th.

Plans for Level 1 section

Write in second half of November

Plans for DAQ section

The framework should be agreed by beginning of next week, and that we then start writing based on the material we already have.

Plans for Computing Section

  • This will be written as soon as the detailed requirements have been collected. It can be completed rather quickly and therefore can be left until the beginning of December.