An implementation in Gauss of a generator making use of these source described below is available starting from Gauss v25r10. For details refer to the release notes of the packages Gen/LbMIB and MIBData, and example options provided. Decay files will be provided in the future in DecFiles. The following presentations describe the generator implemented.
The files are available from the LHCb background CASTOR area /castor/ and are copies from Vadim Talanov original files ( /castor/
Two files are available on an afs: /afs/ Binary versions of some of the files (staged and shield) are available in the data subdirectory of the $LHCBRELEASES/PARAM/MIBData/v1r0 package used by Gauss ($LHCBRELESEASES = /afs/
These are the results of tertiary muon and hadrons background arriving to the LHCb cavern from the IR7 direction.
The files are given for the three case of no shield in the RB84 tunnel, final
shield and staged shield ( EDMS no.
The name of the files provide information on their contents. The recipe for interpreting them is the following:
The files contains the list of particles at the entrance of the LHCb cavern in a plane at z = -1m from IP8.
The format of the file is such that the entries are one line per particle. For each particle the information provided in order is the following:
The LHCb coordinate system is used (it is a right handed reference system:
The files are normalized such that the weights of the particles are scaled so
that their sum gives the total flux of the particles in seconds[particles/s] at
the entrance to the cavern, for the rate of the losses at primary collimators in
IR7 of 2.8x10^9 p/s (which corresponds to 30h beam lifetime due to the