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RAMSES is a CERN-wide project providing an integrated  RAdiation Monitoring System for the Environment and Safety the LHC machine, LHC experiments and experimental areas. It encompass acquisition, transmission, logging and display of the monitored quantities as well as alarms.

A dedicated team with members from SC/RP, SC/IE and TS/CSE is responsible for the project.

Documents describing the project are available as EMDS no. 830545 and on the RAMSES web page.

Two summary presentation of the projects are available:


RAMSES monitors at Point8

Monitors have been installed in LHCb to allow measurements of radiological quantities and releases in the environment.

Different monitors are installed together with alarm systems:

  • in the experimental cavern, UX85/B for measurements during shut-downs,
  • in the service cavern UX85/A during operation for people accessing the underground areas.
  • on the surface measuring stations are also present close to the shafts and at the exit

 A summary of the various monitors installed in LHCb can be found in this memo.