CERN — The European Laboratory for Particle Physics

The LHCb Technical Awards recognize for individuals or small teams:

- An outstanding contribution to the R&D of LHCb
- An outstanding contribution to construction or installation work of LHCb systems
- An outstanding contribution to the operation of LHCb

The 2024 LHCb Industry Awards took place on June 11th 2024 at CERN. The committee comprised Eric Thomas (Technical Coordinator and Chair), Marina Artuso, Victor Coco, Angelo Cotta Ramuniso and Clara Gaspar.

Ulisses de Freitas Carneiro da Graca (CBPF)
For his outstanding contribution to the installation and operation of the SciFi detector.

Didier Piedigrossi (CERN)
For his outstanding contribution to the R&D, construction, installation, and operation of the RICH detectors.

- Karol Hennessy (Liverpool)
For his outstanding
contribution to the R&D, construction, installation, and operation of the VELO detector.

- Martin Stefan Bieker (TU Dortmund)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of the BCM detector.

- Rosen Matev (CERN)
For his outstanding
contribution to the operation of the ONLINE and RTA system.

The 2023 LHCb Industry Awards took place on June 07th 2023 at CERN. The committee comprised Eric Thomas (Technical Coordinator and Chair), Paula Collins, Niko Neufeld and Jean-Pierre Cachemiche.

Dimitra Andreu (Syracuse University)
For her outstanding contribution to the construction and installation of the UT detector.

Norbert Adjadj (EPFL)
For his outstanding contribution to the construction and installation of SciFi detectors.

- Federico de Benedetti (INFN)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of the UT detector.

- Rodolphe Gonzalez (EPFL)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of the UT detector.

- Petr Gorbounov (IHEP)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of SciFi detectors.

- Christophe Insa (LPC)
For his outstanding
contribution to the R&D, construction and installation of the SciFi detector.

- Magali Magne (LPC)
For her outstanding
contribution to the R&D, construction and installation of the SciFi detector.

- Kevin McCormick (University of Liverpool)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction of the VELO detector.

- Pascal Sainvitu (CERN)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of all the LHCb detectors.

- Karol Sawczuk (CERN)
For his outstanding
contribution to operation of DATA center.

- Mark Tobin (IHEP)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of the UT detector.

- Andreas Zosgornik (RWTH)
For his outstanding
contribution to the construction and installation of the SciFi detector.