Candidate guides (both for surface and underground visits) must read and be familiar with the following documents :
o General Safety Instruction GSI-SH-1 Visits on the CERN site, EDMS 1137263
o Visits of LHCb underground areas, EDMS 977538
Underground guides must follow the training
course on LMS
Some movies will be available shortly to help (if necessary). Movies subjects :
o how to get visitor's tokens from the key cabinet (movie)
o how to pass the visitors through the access system (movie)
o how to evacuate the cavern
Candidate Guides must do a visit with a qualified trainer before they are authorised to bring visitors. Arrangement can be made with the LHCb Secretariat.
Finally the candidate Guides must send a request to, stating that the course was followed and the documents were read. Candidate Guides are also invited to list the languages they are willing to give visits in, their nationality(ies) and the country of their Home Institute.
As a Guide, you will be asked to volunteer once in a while for visits organized by LHCb Secretariat.