Minutes of the offline meeting held on 27 April 1999
Present: P.Mato, M.Cattaneo, M.Franck, A.Jacholkowska, P.Maley,
P.Colrain, G.Corti, F.Harris, E.Van Herwijnen, J.Harvey,
R.Chytracek, V.Rusu, V.Breton, I.Videau, M.Needham, R.Van Eijk, N.Smirnov, G.Gracia,
Apologies: N.Neufeld
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. Gaudi and Open Scientist (A.Jacholkowska)
- G.Barrand has installed Gaudi with Open Scientist and RIO. It is possible to write RIO
files or Objectivity files.
- He has installed several examples:
- in one of them he can make the display of an event.
- the Histogramming package is "a la " Hbook.
- It writes RIO files which can be looked at in a XM session: the user interface is
"a la" kumac.
- It is installed in the BaBar BETA framework. It will be installed in Gaudi and D0.
- Agnieszka will give a list of banks to be converted into Gaudi, because the ATMC bank is
enough to make any analysis. Pavel needs to know the transient data model in which
to convert.
- RIO will be part of the next Gaudi release with documentation and examples.
2. First ideas of an analysis package in Gaudi gramework (G.Corti)
Gloria presented the goal of an analysis package and first ideas to implement it in
Gaudi. (ppt)
next meeting: Tuesday 11 May 1999