Minutes of the Computing meeting held on 26 May 1999
Present: P.Mato, M.Cattaneo, M.Frank, P.Maley, P.Colrain, G.Corti,
E.Van Herwijnen, I.Videau, E.Tcherniaev,
P.Binko, M.Needham, G.Gracia, J.Closier, T.Cass, F.Ranjard
Apologies: F.Harris, J.Harvey
Minutes : Florence Ranjard
1. Pending questions (everybody)
- AFS project space: J.Closier sent a mail to various physics group on 6.1.1999 asking
those group to cleanup their
AFS project space area, in order to reorganize this pace in a better way.
Only G.Corti for the muon group has done its home work.
===> Joel will re-send a mail to responsible people.
===> if no answer it will be assumed that the project space is no more needed and could
be assigned to another group:
the read access will be removed.
- gmake on rsplus still does not work.
===> Tony will follow the problem.
- still problem with rshell and xterm.
===> Tony and Joel will follow the point.
- CERNLIB 99 is not accessible in the normal way on NT, F.Hemmer is aware of this fact.
===> Frederic, Joel and Tony will follow the problem.
- RFIO is now working on NT: thanks to Ian McLaren .
- CLHEP : the new version is avalaible on all platforms compiled with egcs-1.1.1.
2. Review code meeting (M.Cattaneo)
Following Paul Colrain's request , Marco will organize a meeting next Friday to review
the muon code before
his presentation during the software week.
3 HTL (P.Binko)
Pavel presented the current status of the Histogram Template Library HTL (ppt)
- compact, extensible, modular and performant.
- same signature as HBOOK calls.
- Transient and Persistent histograms are decoupled.
- Interface to PAW exists.
It was written by a cooperant
who has now left CERN with some advices from V.Inoccenti.
- but it implies that using HTL in the Gaudi Framework and outside would be different:
- i.e. the same code could not run in test-beam (no Gaudi) and offline (in Gaudi),
unless test_beam uses Gaudi (as suggested by Pavel)
- if HTL is replaced by another package, the Gaudi interface has to be re-written.
- Tony suggested that potential users (LHCb, ATLAS, CMS, ALICE,...) and IT should agree
on an interface which fulfills physicists requirements and this interface should not
change when
the histogram package is replaced or modified.
- It was agreed that LHCb should work with IT to get an HTL package which fulfills our