CERN — The European Laboratory for Particle Physics

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Please use the links provided in this page as your main source of information when preparing your presentation. Before you get started, have a look also at our Rules and Guidelines.

Physics results:

  • RK/RK* questions
  • Published PAPERS in CDS
  • Published CONFs in CDS
    • All results quoted from CONFs should be tagged as "preliminary".
    • Individual figures in different formats (eps, pdf, png) are contained in the ZIP file attached to each entry.
  • PAPERs / CONFs in various stages of review: you can find an updated list of the analyses ongoing and their status. Clicking on the leftmost icon of each analysis will allow to navigate to the relevant information (twiki page, ANA-note, plots). To show also submitted/published papers and conf notes untick the button “Show only ongoing analyses” and set to “All” the rows per page.
  • Please contact the physics coordinator if you would like to show material from these.
  • All plots and results quoted from these PAPERs and CONFs, if approved to be shown by the physics coordinator, should be tagged as "preliminary".
  • Publicity plots (from 2015 startup period): several approved plots are available (Charm, CHEP, Z->mumu)
  • Publicity plots (from 2015 period): several approved plots are available (di-muon, Pb-Pb run)
  • Publicity plots (from 2016 period): several approved plots from Turbo stream are available (B^(+,0)->J/psi K^(+,*0), Bs->J/psi phi, D,Lambda)

Miscellanea (Physics)

Operations plots:

LHCb detector and performance:

Subsystems for Run 1 and Run 2:
