- How new members will get information on computing account
and password ?
The secretariat will send an
email to the new member with all information on computing
account. The passwod should be requested by e-mail to
service desk by the new member. He/she should enclosed a
scanned version of a valid identity card or passport.
Does a
member needing an account to work remotely in LHCb and
coming only once at CERN for a couple of days meeting,
should anyhow register as User?
Yes, this
the only way to grant him access to CERN sites.
would like to register a new member in LHCb, but he/she
already has a User contract with an other experiment.What should be done ?
You should either ask to the member to close his/her actual
contract and then you send us the LHCb registration form to
enable us to register him/her as an external participant and
next time he/she will come to CERN you can initiate the
pre-registration (http://usersoffice.web.cern.ch/new-registration). Or the new member can request for the
modification of her
User contract via EDH (http://usersoffice.web.cern.ch/modification-and-extension).
In addition, please send us the LHCb registration form, to
enable us to register the new member in the LHCb database.
The computing account of a member
has been suspended. what should I do ?
You should contact the LHCb
secretariat who will investigate and give you all
instructions to reactivate the computing account.
A member is leaving the collaboration, what should I do ?
You should inform the User's office and the LHCb secretariat
with regards to administrative aspects.If the member is the
owner of service accounts,websites, egroups etc..., he/she
should transfer the ownership to his/her
supervisor/sucessor. Any relevant data (Histogram, plot,
Data, code,..) under your personal area which are used by
the collaboration, should be moved to the dedicated
application (i.e. for code gitlab, for shared folders EOS
The user contract
of one of my member is expiring, what actions should I take
If your member will not come back
to CERN, but will continue to work remotely, please contact
the LHCb secretariat. If your member will continue coming
at CERN, please ask him/her to extend the user contract (
http://usersoffice.web.cern.ch/modification-and-extension). And if
he/she is ending, please inform the User's office and the LHCb
secretariat indicating the end date of contract and participation.