Conference proceedings contributions from LHCb should be approved by the relevant Project Leader or Coordinator before submission: the Project Leader for contributions concerning a subsystem project, the Physics Coordinator for contributions concerning physics results.
They will normally assign a referee to review the contribution, but may also request a review by the Editorial Board. In the case of contributions concerning physics results, the Physics Co-ordinator usually asks the relevant WG conveners to check the drafts. To simplify the process, authors are encouraged to circulate draft proceedings to the appropriate WG e-group(s).
Authors should bear in mind that the review process will take some time, and should submit the drafts to the Project Leader or Coordinator at least one week before their deadline. Authorship can in general be the speaker at the conference, but for proceedings that concern a contribution entirely devoted to LHCb the note "on behalf of LHCb collaboration" should be added.
Proceedings for contributions that include a substantial part devoted to other experiments as well as LHCb may need approval from other experiments as well. Please seek the advice of your approver concerning this.
Once their review has been successfully completed, proceedings contributions should also be released as LHCb notes in the LHCb-PROC series (without further review). Thus is done by sending them to the secretariat as a PDF file and attaching the title and abstract in LaTeX format with no predefined symbols.