Summary of the LHCb Collaboration Board Meeting
(CERN, June 11th 1999) Minutes taken by F. Harris Present: E.Aslanides (CPPM Marseille), A.Bay (Lausanne), B.Bouianov (Espoo-Vantaa), T.Bowcock (Liverpool), G.Carboni (Rome "Tor Vergata"), C.Coca (Bucharest), S.Conetti (Virginia), D.Crosetto (Rice), L.De Paula (Rio de Janeiro), R.Forty (CERN), V.Gibson (Cambridge), A.Golutvin (ITEP, Moscow), E.Guschin (INR, Moscow), A.Halley (Glasgow), N.Harnew * (Oxford), F.Harris (Oxford), H-J.Hilke * (CERN), B.Jean-Marie (LAL Orsay), C.Jiang (Beijing), B.Koene (FOM), V.Lindenstruth (IHEP Heidelberg), G.Martellotti (Rome "La Sapienza), C.Matteuzzi/M.Calvi - both part time (Milano), R.Miquel (Barcelona), F.Muheim (Edinburgh), T.Nakada * (CERN), V.Obraztsov (Serpukhov), P.Perret (Clemont-Ferrand), G.Polok (Cracow), Y.Ranyuk (Kharkov), B.Saitta (Cagliari), N.Semprini-Cesari (Bologna), U.Straumann (U.Heidelberg), M.Szczekowski (Warsaw), A.Vorobyov (Gatchina), D.Websdale (Imperial College, London). * non-voting members [33 institutes represented] The meeting was chaired by N. Harnew. Apologies: N. Harnew transmitted the apologies of M.Sannino, M.Schmelling and Bernard Spaan. Agenda 1) Approval of the agenda 2) Minutes of last meeting - Approval of minutes - Matters arising 3) Collaboration issues New collaborators : - Ferrara - Others 4) Re-election vote of Technical Coordinator 5) Appointment of Ioana Videau to Deputy Spokesperson - Discussion - Procedure for formal vote 6) Feedback from referees, LHCC and matters arising 7) Financial and manpower matters - Summary of the 26/27 April RRB meeting - Status of IMoU's and timetable for MoU's - Update on funding from institutes - Update on institute manpower 8) Report from the Technical Board 9) Matters arising from the Plenary Meeting 10) Revision of LHCb Constitution - Discussion of procedure for making changes 11) Editorial policy 12) LHCb conference talks 13) Any other business 1) Approval of the agenda The agenda was approved. Item 5 was taken after item 2. 2) Minutes of the last meeting Approval of minutes : The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Matters arising (which were not covered in other items of the agenda) : o Acceptance letters have been sent to Cracow and Warsaw. The representatives of those institutes were welcomed to the CB. 3) Appointment of Deputy Spokesperson T. Nakada has proposed Ioana Videau to the position of Deputy Spokesperson. Part of Ioana's responsibilities would be to help with the management in areas of Trigger and Computing, for which she had an ideal background arising from her work in ALEPH over many years. Ioana will spend 100% of her time on LHCb. N.Harnew reminded the CB of the existing constitution, and proposed that certain changes were appropriate before the appointment of Deputy Spokesperson is made : o The Deputy Spokesperson is nominated by the Spokesperson at his/her discretion, and ratified by the CB. o The appointment of Deputy Spokesperson is up to a 3 year term with the possibility of re-appointment. When the term of office of Spokesperson comes to an end, so does the term of office of Deputy Spokesperson. o The Deputy Spokesperson is an ex-officio member of the Collaboration Board, Technical Board and Physics Planning Group. These proposed changes were agreed by the CB. The LHCb constitution will be re-drafted accordingly. The CB agreed to carry out the election by Email, and the voting procedure will start immediately. The voting deadline is 28 June. 3) Collaboration issues Application of Univ. of Ferrara/INFN T.Nakada reported that a letter of application had been received from the University of Ferrara/INFN to join LHCb. M.Savrie represented the Ferrara group. There was unanimous support for accepting Ferrara into the collaboration. 5) Re-election vote of Technical Coordinator There had been unanimous ratification vote of H-J.Hilke to continue as LHCb Technical Coordinator. The overwhelming level of support was noted, and H-J.Hilke was duly congratulated by the CB. 6) Feedback from referees, LHCC and matters arising T.Nakada reminded the CB that there had been 2 meetings with the referees since the last CB meeting : one full meeting with the Technical Board, and one meeting just with the LHCb Management. The reaction of the referees had been positive. Two documents have been submitted, one providing details of the beam tests, and the other detailing the milestones and project plans for all activities. The next meeting is in July, which will concentrate on the areas of RICH photon detectors and the Inner Tracker (results of the beam tests and the Silicon back-up solution), and a report on the observations made on the Lazarus effect in Silicon. In October there will be a full review meeting. 7) Financial and manpower matters i) Summary of the 26/27 April Resource Review Board (RRB) meeting T.Nakada gave a short summary of the outcome of the RRB. The status of the experiment was presented, followed by some project and budget issues. The main discussion was on the Interim Memorandum of Understanding (IMoU). ii) Status of IMoU's and the timetable for MoU's The IMoU will cover the period up to the end of 2001. The wording of the IMoU has now been accepted by the RRB. It should be circulated to the funding agencies for signature by the Research Director, Roger Cashmore. There must be a minor revision to the LHCb constitution regarding the terms of reference of the Technical Coordinator - which will need to be consistent with the wording of the final MoU : the Technical Coordinator should be a member of the CERN staff for the duration of his/her term of office. H.J-Hilke made it clear that this would not rule out candidates from outside institutes, however they would need to become CERN staff for the duration. The CB agreed that such wording should be drafted into the constitution. LHCb must submit a draft of the MoU for the construction phase by autumn 2000, since the process to finalize the wording and obtain all the signatures is expected to take a year or so. H-J.Hilke will start a draft based on the ATLAS MoU. LHCb has been advised by the RRB to follow as closely as possible the format used by ATLAS and CMS. There will be many annexes, within which will lie the substance of the MoU. The MoU will define the division of responsibilities, and define the cost matrix, spending profiles and manpower. Hence these issues will also need to be ready for draft in autumn 2000. iii) Update on funding from institutes A minimum payment of 8 kSF/yr/institute to the Common Fund has already been accepted by the CB. H-J.Hilke reported that 3 MSF into the Common Fund by 2000 would be necessary to meet the magnet schedule. H-J.Hilke reported that LHCb have immediate common operational expenditures which must be met. It was agreed that an Operations Fund be set up with a nominal payment of 5 kSF per year per country. iv) Update on institute manpower T.Nakada will soon request more precise details on manpower from the institutes, as input to the manpower table being constructed. 8) Report from the Technical Board/Management H.J-Hilke introduced four recommendations made by the Technical Board and which have been accepted and endorsed by the Management. These recommendations were presented to the CB for their endorsement. i) Choice of calorimeter cell sizes The Calorimeter Group and the Technical Board have recommended the choice of 4*4 cm and 12*12 cm cell sizes for the ECAL, and of 12*12 cm and 24*24 cm for the HCAL, corrected for projectivity (although details of where to have the boundaries between big and small still need to be finalized). The CB unanimously endorsed this decision. ii) Magnet - the choice of the 'warm racetrack' design. H-J.Hilke emphasised the technical and cost arguments for making this decision. The magnet group and the Technical Board have recommended the choice of the 'warm racetrack' design, which will now need to be optimised. He commented that it was understood that the electricity cost of running the magnet would not have to be paid by the experiment, but rather by CERN. The CB unanimously endorsed this decision. iii) Level-0 Trigger latency After careful evaluation by the Trigger Group, they have recommended that a L0 latency of 4 microseconds be defined for the experiment. The Technical Board have recommended the decision, which has also been accepted by the management. The CB unanimously endorsed this decision. iv) Level-0 Trigger baseline Following extensive discussions during the LHCb week, the LHCb management has made a decision on the issue of the L0 trigger baseline implementation. The LHCb management fully agrees with the conclusion drawn by the trigger group subcommittee and later by the Technical Board that the Bologna and Orsay group should be invited to work for the trigger TDR based on a joint calorimeter trigger implementation. The management also believe that the Marseille group should be invited to work toward the trigger TDR for the muon trigger implementation, in close collaboration with the muon subsystem group. The CB endorsed this decision. 9) Matters arising from the Plenary Meeting There were no matters arising, not covered by other items on the agenda. 10) Revision of the LHCb Constitution N.Harnew presented the need to make several changes to the constitution. Many of these changes have already been agreed in principle by the CB, but not yet formally updated into the constitution. In addition to the changes which were discussed earlier in the meeting, there are proposals to change the following items : o Terms of reference of the Technical Board and review procedures ; o The Management and CB Chairperson's terms of office ; o CB membership issues ; o CB voting procedures ; o Reporting of decisions. N.Harnew pointed out that none of these changes involve any change to the managerial structure of the collaboration. After discussion it was agreed that N.Harnew would make proposed changes in consultation with others, and would circulate the draft version electronically. Reactions would then be invited via Email. Because of a lack of time in the main CB meeting, it was agreed to allocate a special Friday afternoon session for discussion at Amsterdam. At this CB meeting, there is the aim to ratifying the proposed changes. 11) Editorial policy D.Websdale briefly reported on the activities of the ECFA-EPS working group considering future publications policy. This has concentrated on the issues prior to LHC data taking, and the proposal to provide recognition to individuals during the preparation phase of LHC (and other future) large collaborations, by introducing a new type of publication (a "technical paper") signed exclusively by the authors of the work, refereed externally, and which would appear in the electronic media of journal publishers. A letter has been sent to several journal publishers, inviting their comments to this proposal. The working group should report to ECFA-EPS after the replies from publishers are received. T.Nakada summarised the official LHCb position for publication of LHCb notes, both internal and public. o Anyone in the LHCb collaboration can produce an LHCb internal note with an LHCb note number. o If the author wishes the LHCb note to become public, it has to be reviewed. It is the responsibility of the subsystem coordinator to review it. The subsystem coordinator can delegate this task to other(s), or the Spokesperson, if he/she considers it appropriate. o While the public notes can be accessed by everybody, internal notes require the LHCb password for access. The LHCb policy on technical papers submitted to refereed journals, and LHCb conference proceedings was discussed. o If the technical papers do not refer to the LHCb experiment, there is no control by the LHCb collaboration. o If the technical papers refer to the LHCb experiment, the manuscripts intended for publication must be shown to the Spokesperson, who may ask for changes, or demand that the LHCb experiment not be referred to. o The Spokesperson can pass the technical paper onto an Editorial Board if he/she feels it to be appropriate. In relation to above, an Editorial Board will be set up in the near future. 12) LHCb conference talks The status of current conference talk assignments was circulated. The web site for the LHCb conference speakers list is http://lhcb.cern.ch/generalmanagement/speakersbureau/html/speakers.html 13) Any other business The Collaboration Board looks forward to the details of the arrangements for the forthcoming collaboration week in Amsterdam. ____________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Important Dates All meetings are at CERN unless otherwise indicated. Dates of future LHCb weeks and Collaboration Board meetings LHCb weeks 1998 Plenary meeting Collaboration Board 13 Sep - 17 Sep 99 Amsterdam 16/17 Sep 16/17 Sep 29 Nov - 3 Dec 99 2/3 Dec 2 Dec Dates of conveners/referees meetings 1999 : 7 July (coordinators and referees) LHCC Meetings 1999 : 7-8 July, 2-3 Sept, 20-21 Oct. RRB meeting 1999: 25-26 Oct. |