Boole v5r3 - released 22nd March 2004

The table below lists change introduced in Boole version v5r3, relative to version v5r2

Subsystem Item Responsible Remarks
Framework Use LHCB version v15r4, Gaudi version v14r3, XmlDDDB version v22r0 M.Cattaneo  
  Provide common "nearest int" function (c.f. Velo, ST implementations) M.Cattaneo In LHCbKernel v4r3, LHCbMath::round(x)
  Fix spillover for POOL input M.Frank Fixed in GaudiPoolDb v1r5
Digi output POOL output is now the default M.Cattaneo  
  RawBuffer and L1Buffer now complete M.Cattaneo, M.Needhem, C.Parkes  
  Removed OTDigits (POOL only) M.Cattaneo, J.Nardulli Available in RawBuffer. No longer needed in Brunel, following fix to OTDAQ v1r1
  Removed ITDigits (POOL only) M.Cattaneo, M.Needham Available in RawBuffer
  Removed VeloClusters (POOL only) M.Cattaneo, C.Parkes Available in RawBuffer
Event Model Backwards incompatible change to internal encoding of VeloChannelID M.Tobin LHCbKernel v4r3
  Use VeloChannelID of first strip as key of VeloCluster (backwards incompatible) C.Parkes VeloEvent v13r0p1
Geometry New (backwards incompatible) layout of Rich2 Hpd A.Papanestis XmlDDDB v22r0
L0 More detailed simulation of L0Muon hardware implementation L.Tocco, R.LeGac L0mConf v2r1, L0MuonKernel v1r0, L0MuonTrigger v1r0, ParamFiles v3r4
L1 Updated to use complete RawBuffer and L1Buffer, new tuning O.Callot, M.Witek TrgTools v3r0, TrgVelo v3r0, TrgVeloTT v3r0, TrgVeloTT v3r0, L1Reco v3r0
  New monitoring of primary vertex E.Rodrigues L0Monitor v1r0
Velo New and repackaged Velo code to fill L1Buffer and RawBuffer C.Parkes VeloDAQ v1r0, VeloAlgorithms v2r9p1
ST Added code to fill L1+RawBuffer M.Needham STDAQ v1r0, ITAlgorithms v14r1, ITCheckers v2r1, STDet v1r1, ITEvent v13r2, ITAssociators v2r7
Rich Removed temporary fix to energy scale C.Jones RichReadout v1r7. Compatible with Gauss 14r3 or later
  Use new base classes for Algorithms and Tools C.Jones GaudiAlg v7r1, GaudiTools v8r1, LHCbKernel v4r4, RichUtils v3r8, RichDetTools v4r0, RichReadout v1r7, RichDigiQC v1r5
Calo Use new base classes for Algorithms and Tools I.Belyaev GaudiAlg v7r1, GaudiTools v8r0, CaloMonitor v2r0, CaloDigit v1r6