SICBMC is the GEANT-3 based simulation package for the LHCb experiment.
The FORTRAN based reconstruction was called SICBDST. Parts of the SICBDST code are still called from the C++ reconstruction program Brunel.
to locate a file in a SICBxx version
> Lblocate muginit.F SICBMC v241
to grep a string in a SICBxx version
> Lbgrep 'MUCH' SICBDST v251
SICBMC is used to generate new MC events and simulate the detector response in GEANT3. Brunel (previously SICBDST) is used to reconstruct the events. DaVinci is used to analyse the events.
The database version details of the detector geometry, response and the bank structure used by SICBDST and SICBMC.
Use the Brunel/SICBDST-SICBMC compatibility table to determine which versions of the database, SICBMC and Brunel/SICBDST are compatible
data cards depend on the event type selected. The data cards
for all event types defined so far are stored in SICB/dkcards package.
The package contains also the event type decay