May,25th 2018
Available talks
are regularly advertised by emails to lhcb-general from the
Speakers' Bureau chair, for which LHCb members may
apply. Applications are encouraged, provided you have the
support of your group leader. Further information on this
procedure and the list of available talks may be found under
Talks'. The Speakers' Bureau will then consider that
application, and you will be informed if it is successful.
Independently of this procedure you may also receive an
invitation for a talk, which you have not applied for,
directly from the Speakers' Bureau chair. Talks are assigned
according to the criteria listed in the Speakers' Bureau mandate.
A system of points (SB-scores table) has
been designed to help achieve a fair distribution of talks. This is by
no means the only parameter used in the decision to assign a talk to
an applicant. It may be used in case two or more applicants have equal
priority according to the criteria listed in the mandate. Points decay
with time.
Please reply promptly to any invitation you receive
from the Speakers' Bureau chair. If you decline the
invitation you will not prejudice your chances of receiving
future invitations. In case you want to explain your
reasons for declining (for example, personal or related to
your safety or to discrimination
you may suffer in the country hosting the conference) feel free to contact the, or, if
appropriate, to discuss with the LHCb-ECGD
You may also receive invitations directly from conference organisers to speak on an LHCb topic or a subject related to LHCb activities. Please refer all such invitations directly to the SB chair before accepting.
If the
talk has a significant fraction of LHCb material (>30%) a rehearsal
should be organised and the talk slides be made available on CDS. The
talk score for personal invitations is the same of those for talks
assigned by the SB.