Version v11r6
Release Date 27 April 2004 Description Major step towards DC'04. Based on Gaudi v14r5 and LHCb v15r8. Uses LoKi v2r3.
DaVinci includes the Trigger again. Use this version to optimize the trigger for DC04.
The first user selections for DC'04, following these guidelines, are made available. Don't hesitate to submit more code. DC'04 will start mid of May for DaVinci.
Renaming of tracks (at least replace upstream() by isDownstream() to be able to compile).
The RICH Flavour tagging information is now available with POOL persistency.
This version compiles on Windows. Please use it and report any problems.
TDR data can be read but not all features are supported beside decay channel selections because of changes to LHCb packages (Event or Detector). Possible to perform analysis with Pool input.
Main modifications - The trigger packages are back in DaVinci.
- Many new user selections.
- Changes in Calorimeter code and PhotonParticleMaker.
- Added an algorithm LoopOnCharged in DaVinciUser, that does really nothing more...
- ResolvedPi0Alg and MergedPi0Alg are in CommonParticles and can be used by anyone.
Known problems: GaudiPython cannot be used with POOL persistency. Use ROOT data instead. Some links to MC are not up-to-date and might not work because the necessary information is not saved in the Brunel output. Please notify all unexpected behaviour. Documentation Doxigen Release notes (for detailed release notes of each packages look in the development area and in the release area for LHCB_v15r4) Requirements Guidelines to adapt user selections: Note. Installation follow the LHCb installation procedure tar files of the sources web access to CVS repository web access to AFS release area DaVinci packages modified respect to v11r5.
Phys/ DaVinci v11r6 2004-04-27 Phys/ CommonParticles v1r2 2004-04-27 DaVinciTest v4r4 2004-04-27 DaVinciTools v9r3 2004-04-27 DaVinciUser v5r0 2004-04-27 PhysSelections v6r4 2004-04-27 L0 L0DU v6r7 (was already there in DV v11r5) L0Calo v7r4 2004-04-24 Trg TrgTools v3r1 2004-04-24 TrgVelo v3r0 TrgVeloTT v3r1 L1Reco v3r1 TrgMonitor v1r0 TrgChecker v3r0p1 L1Decision v1r1 IT STDAQ v1r1 2004-04-24 Tr TrExtrapolator v2r11 2004-04-27 Rec GlobalReco v4r6 2004-04-27 Calo/ CaloPIDs v2r3 2004-04-27 Tools LoKi v2r3 2004-04-27 Physics Selections modified with respect to v11r5.
PhysSel PhySelSys v7r0 2004-04-27 PhysSel/ B2HH v2r0 2004-04-27 B2RhoRho v1r3 2004-04-27 B2XGamma v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2D0Kstar v4r0 2004-04-27 Bd2JpsiKs v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2JpsiKstar v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2MuMuKstar v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2PiPiPi0 v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2a1Dstar v2r0 2004-04-27 Bs2DsH v3r0 2004-04-27 Bs2JpsiEta v3r0 2004-04-27 Bs2KsKs v2r0 2004-04-27 Bs2KstarKstar v1r1 2004-04-27 Bs2MuMu v2r0 2004-04-27 Bs2PhiEtac v2r0 2004-04-27 Bu2KsPi v2r0 2004-04-27 Bd2DstarPi v2r0 Put in quarantine because of compilation problems on Windows. LHCb packages used LHCb v15r8 (refer to the requirements files for full package list and corresponding release notes got details): Gaudi packages used based on Gaudi v14r5 Additional applications in DAVINCI_v11r6
Tools/ DecayPresel v4r6 Application to produce stripped files with events passing PREselections for various decay channels Tools/ TriggerFilter v4r5 Application to produce stripped files with events passing L0 and L1 triggers