CERN — The European Laboratory for Particle Physics

Description of LHCb document collections

This is a description of the LHCb  document collections in the CERN Document Service (CDS) database. The current snapshot of the LHCb collections is as follows: 
LHCb Analysis Notes   LHCb Conference Contributions   LHCb Conference Proceedings   LHCb Internal Notes  LHCb Photos     
LHCb Public Notes   LHCb Talks   LHCb Theses


LHCb Analysis Notes  
Report name: LHCb-ANA
Description: Any public result from LHCb, either in the form of a preliminary result or publication, have comprehensive internal documentation in the form of one or more analysis notes. These notes are only accessible to members of the collaboration and form the basis for the approval of results.
Authorship: The proponents of the analysis/measurements.
Comments: Only accessible to members of the LHCb Collaboration.


LHCb Conference Contributions  
Report name: LHCb-CONF
Description: Conference notes is the public written documentation of a preliminary result presented at a conference. They contain a short write-up of the analysis and go through the internal referee process of the collaboration.
Authorship: LHCb Collaboration
Comments: Entered only after substantial internal refereeing.  It is expected that each LHCb-CONF will end up being the basis of a publication.  However, a publication may take results from more than one LHCb-CONF. 


LHCb Conference Proceedings  
Report name: LHCb-PROC
Description: These follow the rules described here, linked on the SB web page:
Authorship: No authorlist.
Comments: Authors: No authorlist.
EP approval: Not required, no CERN-EP number.  


LHCb Internal Notes  
Report name: LHCb-INT
Description: Internal notes
Authorship: The individual(s) who wrote the note.
Comments: Only accessible to members of the LHCb Collaboration.


LHCb Reviewed Internal Notes  
Report name: LHCb-INT
Description: Reviewed Internal notes. The names of the people who reviewed the notes must be given
Authorship: The individual(s) who wrote the note.
Comments: Only accessible to members of the LHCb Collaboration.


LHCb Papers  
Report name: LHCB-PAPER
Description: The final publications of physics results from the collaboration.
Authorship: LHCb Collaboration

Open Data Papers
Report name: No LHCb note number
Description: Papers which analyse LHCb open data. The rules are given in the policy document "CERN Open Data Policy for LHC Experiments: Implementation Plan November 2020".
Available at
Authorship: Not signed by LHCb authors, unless not physics related and specifically approved by the CB.
Comments: Review: Not reviewed by the collaboration
EP approval: Not required, no CERN-EP number

Phenomenology Papers or Physics Review Papers

Report name: No LHCb note number
Description: These are physics papers that do not rely on the analysis of LHCb data or simulation. They typically suggest new theoretical approaches or analysis techniques relevant to LHCb or review the state of a research field
where LHCb is contributing. 
Authorship: Signed by individual LHCb members, and/or others, independently of LHCb collaboration.
Comments: Review: Papers that include projections for LHCb performance or sensitivity, should be sent
to the Physics coordinator and Editorial Board chair for comments prior to being posted on
the arXiv or submitted to the journal. This rule is reproduced from ‘LHCb Publication
Procedure’s available on the EB web site.
EP approval: Not required, no CERN-EP number.


R&D Papers – no LHCb resources
Report name: No LHCb note number
Description: These are papers proposing or testing detector technology or software algorithms that may have relevance to LHCb and are signed by LHCb members.
Authorship: Signed by individual LHCb members, and/or others, independently of LHCb collaboration.
Comments: Papers that do not rely on the analysis of LHCb centrally taken data or simulation, software or technical infrastructure are published purely at the discretion of the authors. Papers that make a statement that a technology will be used in LHCb, should be sent to the relevant project leader(s), spokesperson and Technical Coordinator for comments prior to being posted on the arXiv or submitted to the journal.
EP approval: Not required, no CERN-EP number.

R&D Papers – LHCb resources

Report name: No LHCb note number, unless the LHCb-DP review process below is followed.
Description: These are papers proposing or testing detector technology or software algorithms that will, or may, have relevance to LHCb and utilise LHCb centrally taken data or simulation, software or significant amounts of technical infrastructure. 
Authorship: To be determined by the project leader appropriate to the scope of the paper, it may be the full members of the project or a smaller number of authors. Non-LHCb members may also be authors. The wider group of people in LHCb working in the area of the paper, or who provided substantive resources (simulation, data-taking or infrastructure) on which it relies, should be consulted by the project leader when considering the author list.
Comments: Review: The paper should be reviewed inside the relevant project. The spokesperson should be informed by the project leader that this light review process is being followed.  The project leader should steer the review, or appoint someone to do so. In the case that the paper cuts across several projects, the Operations Coordinator or Technical Coordinator may take this role.
If the paper is considered by the project leader of sufficient importance that a DP number should be assigned, the review procedure of LHCb Detector Description or Detector Performance Papers (below) should be followed.
Submitted to a journal by the project leader, or a lead author appointed by the project leader.
EP approval: optional, CERN-EP number optional.

LHCb Detector Description or Detector Performance Paper
Report name: Obtains an LHCb-DP number (DP, detector paper, but also applicable to software) and is linked on the LHCb web page.
Description: These are papers describing a sub-detector or software project (or substantial components thereof) or its performance. These may well be intended to be a reference in LHCb publications.
Authorship: Signed by members of the project(s) with an author list determined by the Project Leaders(s).
Submitted to the journal by the Project Leader or a lead author appointed by the Technical Coordinator or Operations Coordinator.
Comments: Review: These follow the rules ‘Rules for the preparation of Detector Performance Papers’ available from the EB web page. In brief, a review is performed inside the relevant projects and by members of the TB, with sign-off by the Spokesperson. For software project related papers, or those not directly related to one project, it may be more appropriate for the Operations Coordinator to steer the process, at the discretion of the Spokesperson. Where TB members are not best suited any two other senior knowledgeable members of the
collaboration may be appointed by the Operations Coordinator. If the paper is more minor in scope then the lighter procedure described above of ‘R&D papers-LHCb resources’, potentially with a restricted author list, may be followed at the discretion of the Spokesperson. In this case the paper does not receive an LHCb-DP number. If the scope of the paper is the full LHCb detector then the full collaboration sign the paper
and the review procedure follows that of CONF notes  
EP approval: encouraged, CERN-EP number encouraged.

LHCb Physics Related Performance Papers
Report name: LHCb note numbers: Obtains an LHCb-DP number (DP, detector paper, but also applicable to software) and is linked on the LHCb web page
Description: These are papers describing an analysis of LHCb data or simulation that provide the measurement of quantities of relevance to LHCb physics. An example would be the determination of efficiencies that will be used in physics publications.
Authorship: For papers that are expected to be cited by a number of LHCb physics publications the full collaboration is expected to be authors. For more focused papers of relevance only to a single, or small number, of physics papers a limited author list may be appropriate at the discretion of the Physics Coordinator or Operations Coordinator.
Comments: Review: For papers with the full collaboration author list the review procedure follows that of CONF notes.
For a limited author list, the Physics Analysis or Physics Performance WG conveners organize the review, and approve the document. The final approval for submission of the document is given by the Physics Coordinator or Operations Coordinator.
EP approval: encouraged, CERN-EP number encouraged.

LHC Working Group Publications

Report name:
Description: These are joint publications among two or more LHC experiments: LHC working groups.
The following guidelines have been devised in collaboration with the other LHC experiments.
Authorship: For limited-authorship papers, the responsibility of defining the authorship of any given document is with the LHC WG conveners.
Comments: (1) Documents producing new measurements or data combinations should be signed by the full collaborations unless the collaboration decides that the topic is of limited interest and prefers not to submit it to a journal.
Reinterpretations of published data are subject to the publication guidelines in place for the individual members of the LHC Collaborations and are in any case allowed when the collaborations decide not to submit dedicated experimental papers on the topic.

(2) Documents reporting studies that are only using simulation without experimental data, and/or with usage of data being limited to comparisons of existing published results with theory predictions (that would not fall under the first case), can be signed by a limited number of authors. The publication committees of the related experiments have to be informed. When experiment internal tools (e.g. MC samples or software) or information are used, the collaboration should first approve the results and release a public note with the relevant plots which can be eventually added, properly referenced, in the limited authorship paper.

LHCb Public Notes  
Report name: LHCb-PUB
Description: The final publications of physics results from the collaboration.
Authorship: The individual(s) who wrote the note.
Comments: Publically accessible.  Widely used before real data became available.  However, public notes are not permitted to use unpublished LHCb data (they mostly describe Monte Carlo studies) so will become less frequent, although they are still allowed for technical notes on the different subsystems.


LHCb Talks  
Report name: LHCb-TALK
Description: Presentations (in the form of slides) given at conferences.
Authorship: The individual wrote gave the talk, usually "on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration" (but can also be on behalf of other groups within the collaboration, for technical talks). 


LHCb Theses  
Report name: CERN-THESIS
Description: Thesis
Authorship: The individual who wrote the thesis.
Comments: Entered into the LHCb collection because the thesis concerns LHCb.


LHCb Publicity plots  
Report name: LHCb-FIGURE
Description: Approved publicity plots
Authorship: LHCb collaboration
Comments: This category replaces the twiki pages describing approved and publicity plots. This category is managed by the operations coordinator.

LHCb Miscellaneous  
Report name: Not needed, as only a temporary repository.
Authorship: Depends on the type of document.  
Comments: This is a new collection to be set up, not yet existing. Hopefully it will normally only have few entries.


As far as I am aware, all of these collections should be public, except for LHCb Internal Notes (and LHCb Analysis Notes). We have other restricted collections  that don't appear in the above list, called "LHCb Publication Drafts", which are used for the internal review of documents before they are entered into the public collections.

Roger Forty  (4 June 2010) 
Ulrik Egede (revised on 28 July 2011 and 6 February 2013)
Patrick Koppenburg (6 May 2019)

Silvia Gambetta, Franz Muheim, Chris Parkes, Matteo Palutan, Niels Tuning (24 February 2022)