11 june 1997

  1. The goal and mandate of the editorial board endorsed by the Collaboration Board were presented.
  2. Distribution of the responsibilities were discussed under the discussion of the contents.
  3. Time scale for the technical proposal was approved. The first draft could be circulated to the referees, but this will be decided later.
  4. Suitable publishing technology was discussed. Although initially the use of Framemaker was considered, it was decided to restrict ourselves to LaTeX and Word as suitable systems for author contributions.
  5. Discussion on the contents.
    • A first outline of the contents together with the responsibilities of the editors was agreed on.
    • Preliminary pagenumbers were also suggested.
    • The editors should discuss with the convenors of relevant working groups to come with a detailed proposal for the content in the next meeting.
    • Guidelines for authors will be constructed and agreed on in the next meeting.
  6. Dates for the next meetings of this year:
  • 21 july 1997, 14:00
  • 15 september 1997, 9:00