This is a collection of links related to career development inside and outside of LHCb and academia in general. Please help us maintain this page: send us an email if you have suggestions for links to add, or if you spot stale or outdated links.
(Early) Career initiatives inside LHCb
- Mentoring programme
... to help put early career physicists in touch with more experienced colleagues.
- Starterkit
... to improve the working lives of young researchers working on the LHCb experiment.
- UK student group
... a collection of information that's useful for LHCb students, not only from the UK.
Careers (inside and) outside academia
- CERN Alumni
Provides those who have left the Laboratory with a means of keeping in touch with CERN and with each other; supports its members with their future career development.
- LHC career networking event
An annual event at CERN, offering insight into career opportunities outside of academia. Former members of the LHC collaborations give presentations and participate in a panel discussion to elaborate on their experience in companies in a diverse range of fields (industry, finance, IT,...). The link points to the 2019 edition. We plan another event for November 2020.
- APS Professional Development Guidebook
"Step by step guidance for discovering which careers align with your interests, talents, and values, and building a successful road towards them." - see also Crystal Bailey's talk at DPF 2015 on The Real Story About Employment for Physics Graduates.
- S2DS
"Five weeks of intensive, project-based training turning exceptional analytical PhDs and MScs into Data Scientists."
- fellowships
"The Faculty Fellowship exists to ensure that the brightest academics get a chance to immerse themselves in working life, learn about artificial intelligence in business and help build the future of operational AI.."
- How to build a better PhD
Article by Julie Gould in Nature (2 Dec 2015): "There are too many PhD students for too few academic jobs - but with imagination, the problem could be solved."
Returning to academia after a career break
- Daphne Jackson Trust (UK)
"The UK's leading organisation dedicated to realising the potential of scientists and engineers returning to research following a career break."
- Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship (UK)
"This scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding scientists and engineers at an early stage of their research career who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health issues."